Types of Typenames

This Section is fairly advanced and can be skipped on first reading.

You can write Typenames in four formats:

1. Absolute Typenames

An Absolute Typename is a full Python pathname of a class or function like math.log or bibliopixel.animation.tests.PixelTester.

Absolute Typenames start with a letter and can contain only letters, numbers, the period ., and the underscore _.

So x23.he_is_13.yes is an Absolute Typename but neither 23x.h nor this-has-dashes nor this has spaces.no nor oops! are Absolute Typenames.

2. Relative Typenames

To save typing, you can specify typenames relative to the base module for that Class Section. For example, the Absolute Typename bibliopixel.animation.tests.PixelTester can be shortened to the Relative Typename .tests.PixelTester

Relative Typenames start with a . and then follow the same rules as Absolute Typenames.

3. File Typenames

You can directly load Python code from a file on your drive this way: /home/pi/Documents/myAnimation.py

File Typenames always start with /.

4. Git Repo Typenames

You can directly load code from a Github repo.



Git Repo Typenames allow you to load arbitrary code from the internet and execute it.

Malicious code that you downloaded this way could do anything, including erasing all your data or stealing money from your accounts. ONLY use Git Repo Typenames if you completely and 100% trust the repo that you are loading from. Remember, there’s nothing preventing people from changing code that’s perfectly safe today to be malicious tomorrow.

The first time that you use a new Git Repo, bp will prompt you from the command line to whitelist that site. Think long and hard before you do this! Or simply choose not to use this feature, and download the code yourself as you need it.

shape: [96, 16]
  typename: $bpa.strip.Wave.WaveMove
  color: 'royal blue'