
This is an advanced topic and may be skipped on first reading.

The gamma Field corrects colors in the output display to account for how the human eye sees. Here’s a longer explanation.

Usually the correct gamma value will be automatically selected for you in BiblioPixel based on your output hardware, but you might want to change this to calibrate your display, to account for variations in manufacturing, or simply for artistic reasons.

When a Driver has a gamma Field, you can leave it blank to let BiblioPixel fill it in, or you can fill it yourself one of the following ways:

  • a single number gamma
  • a list of three numbers - [gamma, offset, lower_bound]
  • a dictionary with keys from gamma, offset, lower_bound

Field definitions:

gamma (default: depends on driver or 1.0 if no driver gamma)
The gamma coefficient
offset (default: 0)
A small offset added after gamma correction to help cover the entire dynamic range
The lowest output value for an LED component. This is needed because some LED only emit light at values from 127-255.

shape: [64, 11]
  typename: $bpa.strip.Rainbows.Rainbow
  palette: energy