The shape and layout Sections.

The shape Value Section is a simple way of representing how your lights are actually laid out in the real world. The layout Class Section lets you represent more complicated setups.


shape specifies how many lights there are and how they are arranged.

If the lights are in a linear strip, shape is a single number. For example, if you have 100 LEDs, your Project will contain a line like:

shape: 100

If the lights are in a matrix, then shape is a pair of numbers: [width, height]. For example, if you have a matrix that’s 32 pixels wide and 16 across, then you will write:

shape: [32, 16]

If the lights are in a cube, then shape is an [x, y, z] triple. For example, if you have a cube that is 2 pixels wide, 4 pixels deep and 8 pixels high:

shape: [2, 4, 8]

The layout section

The shape section is good enough for a lot of simple layouts but more complex layouts to be specified will need the layout section.

We have the following layout classes:


  • strip
  • matrix
  • cube
  • circle

shape: [32, 32]
animation: $bpa.matrix.SpinningTriangle