The animation Section

BiblioPixel comes with a library of Animations called BiblioPixelAnimations which you can reuse without programming.

And if you can program, writing an Animation is quite easy and often the best way to solve your problem - there are more types of Animation than all the other class types put together.

The animation Class Section complements with the run Value Section.

The animation Section describes a specific program that dynamically changes the lights over time, while the run Section describes more general information - like the frame rate (in frames per second or fps), or how many times the whole Animation is repeated.

The Fields in the animation Section depend on its Class

Aside from typename, the Fields in the animation Section depend entirely on the Class of the Animation itself (which is true for every Class Section).

Each Animation Class has a documentation page which should explain how it works, lists its Fields, and give examples of usage.

Example 1: a single Animation with no Fields

animation: $bpa.matrix.bloom
shape: [32, 32]

Example 2: an animation with fields scroll, color and bgcolor

  typename: $bpa.matrix.Mainframe
  scroll: false
  color: green
  bgcolor: dark gray

shape: [32, 32]

Example 3: Mix four animations together

    typename: mixer
    levels: [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]
        - $bpa.matrix.ImageAnim
        - $bpa.matrix.ImageShow
        - $bpa.matrix.ImageDissolve
        - $bpa.matrix.Mainframe

shape: [64, 64]

Listing the Animation Classes.

To get a list of the typenames for Animation Classes that are bundled with BiblioPixel, use the bp animations Command:

$ bp animations

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[... many more ...]

shape: [64, 17]
animation: $bpa.matrix.pinwheel