Installing BiblioPixel

BiblioPixel is a combination of a Python 3 library named BiblioPixel and a command line program named bp.

BiblioPixel is installed from the command line by typing:

$ pip3 install -U bibliopixel

If you get a “Permission Denied” error then you need to run this command with sudo:

$ sudo pip3 install -U bibliopixel

If you get an error like “pip3: command not found” then you need to then install Python 3 before you continue.

Download Python 3 from here, and then try the instructions above again.

Testing the installation.

To test your installation, type

$ bp demo matrix

and it will open a browser session with an animation controlled by the command line.

To stop bp, hold down the Control key on your keyboard, then press C (control-c).

shape: [64, 16]
animation: $bpa.matrix.MatrixRain