How to write a Project

This page guides you through creating a new project from scratch.

1. Open a command line and hange directory to the directory you want to work in

Often you’d want to work in your home directory:

cd ~

3. Use the bp new <your-project-name> to create a new project

Suppose you want to call your project my_lights

bp new my_lights

This will create a new directory named my_lights/ in your current directory which contains a sample project file and a sample Python file for you to edit.

4. Run the Project file:

Change directory to the project directory, and run the Project file, like this:

cd my_lights
bp -s my_lights.yml

The -s flag to bp means “open a SimPixel window” and it will indeed open on your browser, showing a lighting pattern like this:


5. Stop the program.

Press control-c to stop the bp program.