The Serial Driver

The Serial Driver handles LEDs that are attached to the computer with the USB bus, particularly the AllPixel and PiPixel hardware controllers, but be adapted to any serial or USB connected LED strips.

If you aren’t using serial hardware, you can skip this chapter.

Example: The driver section of a project using Serial communication

  typename: .serial
  ledtype: LPD8806
  c_order: GRB
  gamma: 2.5
  device_id: 2

Serial Driver Fields

LED protocol type - see below for details
Serial device address/path. If not set, the first serial device found will be used
RGB color order
the gamma correction for the driver
spi_speed (default 2)
SPI datarate for applicable LED types, in MHz
restart_timeout (default 3)
Seconds to wait between reconfigure reboot and reconnection attempt
Device ID to connect to. If not set, connect to the first device ID found on the device
hardwareID (default '1D50:60AB')
A valid USB VID:PID (vendor id : product id) pair. The default is the VID:PID pair for the AllPixel
baudrate (default 921600)
Baud rate to connect to serial device

Basic Usage

[TODO-API: embed or point to generated documentation for serial/]


The Serial Driver needs to have an LEDTYPE set to identify the LED chipset and hardware. This must be one of these values: [TODO-API: point to or embed generated documentation for]

shape: [64, 24]
  typename: $bpa.matrix.MathFunc
  palette: bold
  func: 15