The drivers SectionΒΆ

drivers is a list of Class Sections and is used when there are multiple hardware or virtual Drivers controlled by one Project.

A very common case is an installation with many instances of more or less the same driver - as in a long strip or a large matrix with many parts.

If there is both a driver and drivers section, then the driver Class Section is used as a default for each entry in the drivers section. This often removes a huge amount of duplicated typing:

Example 1: A drivers Section for three serial devices

# I have three LED strips attached to three AllPixels:
# device 1, 80 LEDs; device 3, 100 LEDs, device 0, 80 LEDs

  - c_order: BRG
    num: 80
    gamma: [1.1, 0.5, 0]
    ledtype: LPD8806
    typename: serial
    device_id: 1

  - c_order: BRG  # Didn't I just see this?
    num: 100
    gamma: [1.1, 0.5, 0]
    ledtype: LPD8806
    typename: serial
    device_id: 3

  - c_order: BRG  # Not again??
    num: 80
    gamma: [1.1, 0.5, 0]
    ledtype: LPD8806
    typename: serial
    device_id: 0

Example 2: Same as before, with driver and drivers Sections

  c_order: BRG
  gamma: [1.1, 0.5, 0]
  ledtype: LPD8806
  typename: serial
  num: 80

 - device_id: 1
 - {device_id: 3, num: 100}
 - device_id: 0

Example 3: Using drivers to address multiple SPI ports

  typename: .SPI.WS2801
  num: 64

  - dev: /dev/spidev0.0
  - dev: /dev/spidev0.1

shape: [64, 16]
  typename: $bpa.strip.FireFlies
  colors: ['light grey', 'slate grey 1', 'slate grey 4']