bibliopixel.main.project_flags module

bibliopixel.main.project_flags.MOVIE_HELP = "\nWrite a movie file (animated GIF or mp4).\n\nIf --gif has no argument, the name of the movie file is the same as the name of\nthe project, with a .gif added to the end.\n\nIf it has a single string argument, then it's the name of the GIF file.\n\nOtherwise, the argument is read as JSON and used to construct a GifWriter class.\n"

Set defaults for projects using YAML or JSON data files.

A Project is a data file or equivalently a Python dictionary that describes a BibliopPixel installation. The top-level keys in a Project are called the sections and a Project might have the following sections:


Often some sections of your project correspond to hardware and thus rarely change, so the bp default command allows you to set defaults so you don’t have to mention these from your project at all.

bibliopixel.main.project_flags.make_project(args, *descs, root_file=None)[source]