Source code for bibliopixel.main.project_flags

from .. project import data_maker, project
from .. util import data_file, deprecated, log, pid_context

"""Common command line arguments for run and demo."""

COMPONENTS = 'driver', 'layout', 'animation'
PRESET_LIBRARY_DEFAULT = '~/.bibliopixel'
NUMBER_TYPES = ('python',) + data_maker.NUMPY_TYPES

[docs]def add_arguments(parser): pid_context.add_arguments(parser) if ADD_REDUNDANT_ARGUMENTS: _add_redundant_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument( '-b', '--brightness', default=None, help='Override project brightness value') parser.add_argument( '--dump', action='store_true', help='Dump the full project as DATA_FILE after loading but ' + 'before running') parser.add_argument( '--dry_run', action='store_true', help='Load projects but do not run them') parser.add_argument( '-f', '--fail_on_exception', action='store_true', help='If true, bp fail if any subanimation fails to construct') if deprecated.allowed(): parser.add_argument( '-g', '--gif', default='', nargs='?', help=GIF_HELP) parser.add_argument( '-i', '--ignore_exceptions', action='store_true', help='If true, continue running the next project if one project fails') parser.add_argument( '-j', '--json', action='store_true', help='Use Json when dumping description data') parser.add_argument( '-m', '--movie', default='', nargs='?', help=MOVIE_HELP) parser.add_argument( '--pause', default=0, help='Time to pause between running animations') parser.add_argument( '--project_lengths', '--pl', default=None, help=PROJECT_LENGTHS_HELP) parser.add_argument( '-s', action='store_true', help='Run SimPixel at the default URL') parser.add_argument( '--simpixel', help='Run SimPixel at a specific URL') parser.add_argument( '--animation_lengths', '--at', default=None, help='Set run length for each animation') parser.add_argument( '-t', '--ledtype', default=None, help='Default LED type if no LED type is specified')
def _add_redundant_arguments(parser): """ These arguments are redundant with just using a project, and we should encouraging that as you don't have to learn any dumb flags! For example, instead of bp foo.yml --animation=wombat --numbers=float use bp foo.yml + '{animation: wombat, numbers: float}' """ parser.add_argument( '-a', '--animation', default=None, help='Default animation type if no animation is specified') if deprecated.allowed(): # pragma: no cover parser.add_argument( '--dimensions', '--dim', default=None, help='DEPRECATED: x, (x, y) or (x, y, z) dimensions for project') parser.add_argument( '--shape', default=None, help='x, (x, y) or (x, y, z) dimensions for project') parser.add_argument( '-l', '--layout', default=None, help='Default layout class if no layout is specified') parser.add_argument( '--numbers', '-n', default='python', choices=NUMBER_TYPES, help=NUMBERS_HELP) parser.add_argument('-p', '--path', default=None, help=PATH_HELP) def _make_project_flags(args): def get_value(name): value = getattr(args, name, None) if not value: return {} if '{' in value: return data_file.loads(value) return {'typename': value} project_flags = {name: get_value(name) for name in COMPONENTS} if args.ledtype: project_flags['driver']['ledtype'] = args.ledtype if args.brightness: project_flags['layout']['brightness'] = int(args.brightness) if args.v4: log.printer('*** Using v4 forward compatibility mode.') project_flags['numbers'] = 'float' elif args.numbers != 'python': project_flags['numbers'] = args.numbers if args.project_lengths is not None: run = project_flags.setdefault('run', {}) run['seconds'] = float(args.project_lengths) if args.animation_lengths is not None: animation = project_flags.setdefault('animation', {}) length = [float(i) for i in args.animation_lengths.split(',')] animation['length'] = length if deprecated.allowed(): if args.dimensions is not None: deprecated.deprecated('Use --shape instead of --dimensions') shape = args.shape or args.dimensions else: shape = args.shape if shape is not None: shape = shape.split(',') try: project_flags['shape'] = [int(i) for i in shape] except: raise ValueError('--shape must be one to three numbers ' 'separated by commas.') return project_flags
[docs]def make_project(args, *descs, root_file=None): project_flags = _make_project_flags(args) descs += (project_flags,) return project.project(*descs, root_file=root_file)
# Help messages. PATH_HELP = """\ A list of directories, separated by colons, 'which are added to the end of `sys.path`. You can also use loady-style paths which start with `//git/` to dynamically load a library from a public git repository. See for more information. """ NUMBERS_HELP = """ The type of numbers that are used in color list calculations. `python` means to use the classic Python lists of (r, g, b) tuples. Anything else is a numpy type, which means that bp uses numpy arrays, which use much faster arithmetic. numpy types include: """ + ' '.join(data_maker.NUMPY_TYPES) PRESET_HELP = """Filenames for preset library""" PROJECT_LENGTHS_HELP = """\ How long to run the animation (overrides runner.seconds)""" MOVIE_HELP = """ Write a movie file (animated GIF or mp4). If --gif has no argument, the name of the movie file is the same as the name of the project, with a .gif added to the end. If it has a single string argument, then it's the name of the GIF file. Otherwise, the argument is read as JSON and used to construct a GifWriter class. """ # TODO: this should go somewhere else """ Set defaults for projects using YAML or JSON data files. A Project is a data file or equivalently a Python dictionary that describes a BibliopPixel installation. The top-level keys in a Project are called the sections and a Project might have the following sections: {sections} Often some sections of your project correspond to hardware and thus rarely change, so the `bp default` command allows you to set defaults so you don't have to mention these from your project at all. """ GIF_HELP = """ --gif/-g is a deprecated name for the --movie/-m flag." """ + MOVIE_HELP