Source code for

from bibliopixel.colors import COLORS
from bibliopixel.colors.conversions import hue_helper
from import Game
from random import randint
import bibliopixel.util as util

[docs]class Snake(Game): def __init__(self, layout, inputDev, **kwds): super().__init__(layout, inputDev, **kwds) self._growLen = 4 self._lives = 4 self._level = 1 self._apCount = 0 self._apGoal = 6 self._lastKeys = None self._apple = (-1, -1) self._gameOver = False self._gameOverCount = 0 self._levelUp = True self._growCount = 0 self._directions = [(0, -1), (0, 1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)] self.doStart = False self.setSpeed("move", 4) if hasattr(self._input_dev, "setLights") and hasattr(self._input_dev, "setLightsOff"): self._input_dev.setLightsOff(5) lights = { "A": (0, 0, 0), "B": (0, 0, 0), "X": (0, 0, 0), "Y": (0, 0, 0), "START": (0, 0, 0) } self._input_dev.setLights(lights) self.addKeyFunc("UP", lambda: self.changeDir(0), speed=1, hold=False) self.addKeyFunc("DOWN", lambda: self.changeDir(1), speed=1, hold=False) self.addKeyFunc("RIGHT", lambda: self.changeDir(2), speed=1, hold=False) self.addKeyFunc("LEFT", lambda: self.changeDir(3), speed=1, hold=False) self.resetBody() self.placeApple()
[docs] def drawBody(self): body_len = len(self._body) i = 0 for b in self._body: c = hue_helper(i, body_len, 1) x, y = b self.layout.set(x, y, c) i += 1
[docs] def drawLives(self): for i in range(self._lives): self.layout.set(self.width - 1 - i * 2, 0, COLORS.Red)
[docs] def drawApplesLeft(self): for i in range(self._apGoal - self._apCount): self.layout.set(i * 2, 0, COLORS.Green)
[docs] def drawApple(self): x, y = self._apple self.layout.set(x, y, COLORS.Green)
[docs] def resetBody(self): dx, dy = self._dir = self._directions[0] # randint(0,3)] dx, dy = dx * -1, dy * -1 x, y = self._pos = (self.width // 2, self.height // 2) self._body = [] for i in range(self._growLen): self._body.append(((x + (i * dx)), (y + (i * dy)))) self._newDir = None
[docs] def gameOver(self): self._gameOver = True self._gameOverCount = 0 self._levelUp = True self._level = 1 self.setSpeed("move", 4) self._lives = 4
[docs] def dead(self): self._apCount = 0 self._lives -= 1 self._levelUp = True if self._lives <= 0: self.gameOver()
[docs] def nextLevel(self): self._apCount = 0 self._levelUp = True self._level += 1 self._growLen += 1 s = self.getSpeed("move") - 1 if s < 1: s = 1 self.setSpeed("move", s) # self._speed += self._speedGrow self.resetBody()
[docs] def move(self): if self.checkSpeed("move"): x, y = self._pos = util.tuple_add(self._dir, self._pos) self._body.insert(0, (x, y)) if (x, y) == self._apple: self._growCount = self._growLen self._apCount += 1 self.placeApple() if self._growCount == 0: del self._body[-1] else: self._growCount -= 1 if self._newDir: self._dir = self._newDir self._newDir = None if(x < 0 or x >= self.width or y < 1 or y >= self.height) or (x, y) in self._body[1:]: self.dead() else: if self._apCount >= self._apGoal: self.nextLevel()
[docs] def placeApple(self): while True: x = randint(1, self.width - 2) y = randint(1, self.height - 2) if (x, y) not in self._body: break self._apple = (x, y)
[docs] def changeDir(self, newDir): self._pos = self._body[0] if newDir == 0 and self._dir[1] == 0: self._newDir = self._directions[0] if newDir == 1 and self._dir[1] == 0: self._newDir = self._directions[1] if newDir == 2 and self._dir[0] == 0: self._newDir = self._directions[2] if newDir == 3 and self._dir[0] == 0: self._newDir = self._directions[3]
[docs] def step(self, amt=1): if (self._levelUp or self._gameOver) and (self._lastKeys != self._keys) and any(v is True for v in self._keys.itervalues()): self.doStart = True if self.doStart: if not any(v is True for v in self._keys.itervalues()): if self._levelUp: self.doStart = False self._levelUp = False self.resetBody() self.placeApple() elif self._gameOver: self.doStart = False self._gameOver = False self.resetBody() self.placeApple() else: return else: self.handleKeys() if self._gameOver: self.layout.all_off() self.layout.drawText("GAME", self.width // 2 - 11, self.height // 2 - 8, color=COLORS.Red) self.layout.drawText("OVER", self.width // 2 - 11, self.height // 2 + 1, color=COLORS.Red) # self._gameOverCount += 1 # if self._gameOverCount > 45: # self.resetBody() # self.placeApple() # self._gameOver = False elif self._levelUp: self.layout.all_off() self.layout.drawText("LVL", self.width // 2 - 8, self.height // 2 - 8, color=COLORS.Red) lvl = "{}".format(self._level) w = len(lvl) * 6 self.layout.drawText(lvl, self.width // 2 - (w // 2), self.height // 2 + 1, color=COLORS.Red) # if self._keys.FIRE:#any(v > 0 for v in self._keys.itervalues()): # self._levelUp = False # self.resetBody() # self.placeApple() # self._lastKeys = None else: self.move() self.layout.all_off() self.drawBody() self.drawApple() self.drawApplesLeft() self.drawLives()