bibliopixel.util.flatten module

Parameters:master (dict) – a multilevel dictionary
Returns:a canonicalized dictionary that has been completely flattened and then unflattened
Return type:dict
Parameters:master (dict) – a multilevel dictionary
Returns:a flattened dictionary
Return type:dict

Flattens a multilevel dictionary into a single-level one so that:

           'a': 1,
           'b': True,
           'c': 'hello',

would become:

{'': 1,
 '': True,
 '': 1,

You can mix and match both input (hierarchical) and output (dotted) formats in the input without problems - and if you call flatten more than once, it has no effect.

Parameters:master (dict) – a multilevel dictionary
Returns:a unflattened dictionary
Return type:dict

Unflattens a single-level dictionary a multilevel into one so that:

{'': 1,
 '': True,
 '': 1,

would become:

           'a': 1,
           'b': True,
           'c': 'hello',