bibliopixel.colors package

Module contents

Functions to convert HSV colors to RGB colors lovingly ported from FastLED

The basically fall into two groups: spectra, and rainbows.

Spectra and rainbows are not the same thing. Wikipedia has a good illustration here

from this article

that shows a ‘spectrum’ and a ‘rainbow’ side by side. Among other differences, you’ll see that a ‘rainbow’ has much more yellow than a plain spectrum. “Classic” LED color washes are spectrum based, and usually show very little yellow.

Wikipedia’s page on HSV color space, with pseudocode for conversion to RGB color space

Note that their conversion algorithm, which is (naturally) very popular is in the “maximum brightness at any given hue” style, vs the “uniform brightness for all hues” style.

You can’t have both; either purple is the same brightness as red, e.g

red = #FF0000 and purple = #800080 -> same “total light” output

OR purple is ‘as bright as it can be’, e.g.

red = #FF0000 and purple = #FF00FF -> purple is much brighter than red.

The colorspace conversions here try to keep the apparent brightness constant even as the hue varies.

Adafruit’s “Wheel” function, discussed here

is also of the “constant apparent brightness” variety.

More details here: