Source code for bibliopixel.util.server_cache

import errno
from . import log

[docs]class StaticCache: SERVER_CLASS = None SERVER_KWDS = {} CACHE = None
[docs] @classmethod def cache(cls): if not cls.CACHE: cls.CACHE = ServerCache(cls.SERVER_CLASS, **cls.SERVER_KWDS) return cls.CACHE
[docs] @classmethod def close_all(cls): if cls.CACHE: cls.CACHE.close_all() cls.CACHE = None
[docs]class ServerCache: """ A class that caches servers by key so you don't keep closing and re-opening the same server and interrupting your connection. The exact nature of the key depends on the sort of server. For example, for a server socket like SimPixel, it would be just a port number, whereas for a UDP connection like Art-Net, it would be a port, ip_address pair. """ def __init__(self, constructor, **kwds): """ :param constructor: a function which takes a key and some keywords, and returns a new server :param kwds: keywords to the ``constructor`` function """ self.servers = {} self.constructor = constructor self.kwds = kwds
[docs] def get_server(self, key, **kwds): """ Get a new or existing server for this key. :param int key: key for the server to use """ kwds = dict(self.kwds, **kwds) server = self.servers.get(key) if server: # Make sure it's the right server. server.check_keywords(self.constructor, kwds) else: # Make a new server server = _CachedServer(self.constructor, key, kwds) self.servers[key] = server return server
[docs] def close(self, key): server = self.servers.pop(key, None) if server: server.server.close() return True
[docs] def close_all(self): for key in list(self.servers.keys()): self.close(key)
class _CachedServer: def __init__(self, constructor, key, kwds): try: self.server = constructor(key, **kwds) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EADDRINUSE: e.strerror += ADDRESS_IN_USE_ERROR.format(key) e.args = (e.errno, e.strerror) raise self.key = key self.constructor = constructor self.kwds = kwds def check_keywords(self, constructor, kwds): if self.constructor != constructor: raise ValueError(CACHED_SERVER_ERROR.format( key=self.key, new_type=str(constructor), old_type=str(self.constructor))) if self.kwds != kwds: log.warning(CACHED_KWDS_WARNING.format(server=self, kwds=kwds)) def close(self): pass def __getattr__(self, key): # Pass through all other attributes to the server. return getattr(self.server, key) ADDRESS_IN_USE_ERROR = """ Cached server {0} on your machine is already in use. Perhaps BiblioPixel is already running on your machine? """ CACHED_SERVER_ERROR = """ Tried to open server of type {new_type} on {port}, but there was already a server of type {old_type} running there. """ CACHED_KWDS_WARNING = """ Cached server for {server.port} had keywords {server.kwds}, but keywords {kwds} were requested. """