Source code for bibliopixel.util.permutation

import operator

[docs]def advance_permutation(a, increasing=True, forward=True): """ Advance a list of unique, ordered elements in-place, lexicographically increasing or backward, by rightmost or leftmost digit. Returns False if the permutation wrapped around - i.e. went from lexicographically greatest to least, and True in all other cases. If the length of the list is N, then this function will repeat values after N! steps, and will return False exactly once. See also """ if not forward: a.reverse() cmp = if increasing else try: i = next(i for i in reversed(range(len(a) - 1)) if cmp(a[i], a[i + 1])) j = next(j for j in reversed(range(i + 1, len(a))) if cmp(a[i], a[j])) except StopIteration: # This is the lexicographically last permutation. if forward: a.reverse() return False a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] a[i + 1:] = reversed(a[i + 1:]) if not forward: a.reverse() return True