Source code for bibliopixel.util.int_names

Fanciful names for integer indexes into lists - either a day of week,
a month, a planet, or a chemical element.


import calendar

[docs]def to_index(name): if isinstance(name, float): raise KeyError('Indexes cannot be floating point') try: return int(name) except: pass try: return NAME_TO_INDEX[name.lower()] except: raise KeyError('Can\'t understand index "%s"' % name)
[docs]def to_names(index): return INDEX_TO_NAME[index]
def _combine(*name_lists): name_to_index = {} index_to_name = {} def add(i, name): nl = name.lower() if nl not in name_to_index: name_to_index[nl] = i index_to_name.setdefault(i, []).append(name) elif nl not in DUPES: raise ValueError(name + ' duplicated') for z in ZEROES: add(0, z) for name_list in name_lists: for i, names in enumerate(name_list): if isinstance(names, str): names = names, for name in names: add(i + 1, name) return name_to_index, index_to_name DUPES = 'may', 'mercury' ZEROES = 'none', 'nothing', 'zero', 'zip' DAYS = tuple(zip(calendar.day_abbr, calendar.day_name)) MONTHS = tuple(zip(calendar.month_abbr, calendar.month_name))[1:] COLORS = 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet' PLANETS = ('Mercury', 'Venus', 'Earth', 'Mars', 'Jupiter', 'Saturn', 'Uranus', 'Neptune', 'Pluto') ELEMENTS = ( ('H', 'hydrogen'), ('He', 'helium'), ('Li', 'lithium'), ('Be', 'beryllium'), ('B', 'boron'), ('C', 'carbon'), ('N', 'nitrogen'), ('O', 'oxygen'), ('F', 'fluorine'), ('Ne', 'neon'), ('Na', 'sodium'), ('Mg', 'magnesium'), ('Al', 'aluminum'), ('Si', 'silicon'), ('P', 'phosphorus'), ('S', 'sulfur'), ('Cl', 'chlorine'), ('Ar', 'argon'), ('K', 'potassium'), ('Ca', 'calcium'), ('Sc', 'scandium'), ('Ti', 'titanium'), ('V', 'vanadium'), ('Cr', 'chromium'), ('Mn', 'manganese'), ('Fe', 'iron'), ('Co', 'cobalt'), ('Ni', 'nickel'), ('Cu', 'copper'), ('Zn', 'zinc'), ('Ga', 'gallium'), ('Ge', 'germanium'), ('As', 'arsenic'), ('Se', 'selenium'), ('Br', 'bromine'), ('Kr', 'krypton'), ('Rb', 'rubidium'), ('Sr', 'strontium'), ('Y', 'yttrium'), ('Zr', 'zirconium'), ('Nb', 'niobium'), ('Mo', 'molybdenum'), ('Tc', 'technetium'), ('Ru', 'ruthenium'), ('Rh', 'rhodium'), ('Pd', 'palladium'), ('Ag', 'silver'), ('Cd', 'cadmium'), ('In', 'indium'), ('Sn', 'tin'), ('Sb', 'antimony'), ('Te', 'tellurium'), ('I', 'iodine'), ('Xe', 'xenon'), ('Cs', 'cesium'), ('Ba', 'barium'), ('La', 'lanthanum'), ('Ce', 'cerium'), ('Pr', 'praseodymium'), ('Nd', 'neodymium'), ('Pm', 'promethium'), ('Sm', 'samarium'), ('Eu', 'europium'), ('Gd', 'gadolinium'), ('Tb', 'terbium'), ('Dy', 'dysprosium'), ('Ho', 'holmium'), ('Er', 'erbium'), ('Tm', 'thulium'), ('Yb', 'ytterbium'), ('Lu', 'lutetium'), ('Hf', 'hafnium'), ('Ta', 'tantalum'), ('W', 'tungsten'), ('Re', 'rhenium'), ('Os', 'osmium'), ('Ir', 'iridium'), ('Pt', 'platinum'), ('Au', 'gold'), ('Hg', 'mercury'), ('Tl', 'thallium'), ('Pb', 'lead'), ('Bi', 'bismuth'), ('Po', 'polonium'), ('At', 'astatine'), ('Rn', 'radon'), ('Fr', 'francium'), ('Ra', 'radium'), ('Ac', 'actinium'), ('Th', 'thorium'), ('Pa', 'protactinium'), ('U', 'uranium'), ('Np', 'neptunium'), ('Pu', 'plutonium'), ('Am', 'americium'), ('Cm', 'curium'), ('Bk', 'berkelium'), ('Cf', 'californium'), ('Es', 'einsteinium'), ('Fm', 'fermium'), ('Md', 'mendelevium'), ('No', 'nobelium'), ('Lr', 'lawrencium'), ('Rf', 'rutherfordium'), ('Db', 'dubnium'), ('Sg', 'seaborgium'), ('Bh', 'bohrium'), ('Hs', 'hassium'), ('Mt', 'meitnerium'), ('Ds', 'darmstadtium'), ('Rg', 'roentgenium'), ('Cn', 'copernicium'), ('Nh', 'nihonium'), ('Fl', 'flerovium'), ('Mc', 'moscovium'), ('Lv', 'livermorium'), ('Ts', 'tennessine'), ('Og', 'oganesson'), ) NAME_TO_INDEX, INDEX_TO_NAME = _combine(DAYS, MONTHS, COLORS, PLANETS, ELEMENTS)