Source code for bibliopixel.util.deprecated

import os, sys

CHOICES = 'ignore', 'fail', 'warn', 'warn_once'
DEFAULT = 'warn_once'

HELP = """
Specify what to do when a project uses deprecated features:

  ignore: do nothing
  warn: print warning messages for each feature
  warn_once: print a warning message, but only once for each type of feature
  fail: throw an exception

FLAG = '--deprecated'
V4_FLAG = '--v4'

V4_HELP = """\
Run BiblioPixel in v4 compatibility mode, to see if it will work with
future releases v4.x

[docs]def add_arguments(parser): parser.add_argument(V4_FLAG, action='store_true', help=V4_HELP)
[docs]def allowed(): _compute_action() return ACTION != 'fail'
[docs]def deprecated(msg, *args, **kwds): _compute_action() if ACTION == 'ignore': return if ACTION == 'warn_once' and msg in DEPRECATED: return formatted = msg.format(*args, **kwds) if ACTION == 'fail': raise ValueError(formatted) DEPRECATED.add(msg) from . import log log.warning(formatted)
def _compute_action(): global ACTION if ACTION: return if FLAG in sys.argv: raise ValueError('%s needs an argument (one of %s)' % (FLAG, ', '.join(CHOICES))) if V4_FLAG in sys.argv: ACTION = 'fail' d = [i for i, v in enumerate(sys.argv) if v.startswith(FLAG + '=')] if len(d) > 1: raise ValueError('Only one %s argument can be used' % FLAG) if not d: ACTION = os.getenv(ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE, ACTION or DEFAULT) else: arg = sys.argv.pop(d[0]) _, *rest = arg.split('=') if len(rest) > 1: raise ValueError('Extra = in flag %s' % arg) if not (rest and rest[0].strip()): raise ValueError('%s needs an argument (one of %s)' % (FLAG, ', '.join(CHOICES))) ACTION = rest[0] if ACTION not in CHOICES: ACTION = None raise ValueError('Unknown deprecation value (must be one of %s)' % ', '.join(CHOICES))