Source code for bibliopixel.project.types.gamma

import functools, numbers
from ... colors import gamma

NAMES = [d for d in dir(gamma) if d.isupper()]

USAGE = """
A Gamma table is represented by one of:

* A number, representing a floating gamma correction value
* A string, representing a name of a standard gamma function
* A list of up to three elements: arguments to Gamma's constructor.
* A dictionary representing arguments to Gamma's constructor.

Possible string names  are """ + ', '.join(NAMES)

[docs]@functools.singledispatch def make(c): raise ValueError("Don't understand type %s" % type(c), USAGE)
@make.register(numbers.Number) def _(c): return gamma.Gamma(c) @make.register(str) def _(c): if c not in NAMES: raise ValueError('Unknown gamma %s: valid names are %s' % (c, NAMES)) return getattr(gamma, c) @make.register(list) @make.register(tuple) def _(c): return gamma.Gamma(*c) @make.register(dict) def _(c): return gamma.Gamma(**c)