Source code for bibliopixel.project.project

import atexit, os, queue, threading, time, traceback, weakref
from . import (
    attributes, clock, construct, edit_queue, fill, load, merge, recurse)
from .. util import exception, log

NO_DATATYPE_ERROR = 'No "datatype" field in section "%s"'
MIN_TIME = 0.0001

[docs]class Project: CHILDREN = 'maker', 'drivers', 'layout', 'animation', 'controls' LOCK = threading.Lock()
[docs] @staticmethod def pre_recursion(desc): return fill.fill(desc)
[docs] def construct_child(self, section_name, datatype=None, typename=None, **kwds): if not datatype: raise ValueError(NO_DATATYPE_ERROR % section_name) construct = getattr(datatype, 'construct', None) if construct: return construct(self, **kwds) return datatype(**kwds)
def __init__(self, *, drivers, layout, maker, path, animation, controls, edit_queue_maxsize=EDIT_QUEUE_MAXSIZE, **kwds): """ :param int edit_queue_maxsize: maxsize parameter to queue.Queue. 0 means an unbounded queue. """ self.needs_cleanup = False def create(root, name): def post(desc): exception = desc.get('_exception') if exception: raise exception return self.construct_child(name, **desc) with exception.add('Unable to create ' + name): return recurse.recurse( root, pre=None, post=post, python_path='bibliopixel.' + name) attributes.check(kwds, 'project') self.path = path layout = layout or fill.fill_layout(animation) self.maker = self.construct_child('maker', **maker) self.drivers = [create(d, 'drivers') for d in drivers] with exception.add('Unable to create layout'): self.layout = self.construct_child('layout', **layout) self.animation = create(animation, 'animation') self.running = False self.clock = clock.Clock() eq = edit_queue.EditQueue(maxsize=edit_queue_maxsize) self.layout.edit_queue = self.animation.edit_queue = eq self.animation.add_preframe_callback(eq.get_and_run_edits) # Unfortunately, the whole animation cycle is controlled by methods on # the topmost animation - but we need to get called back at a certain # point in that animation cycle in order to run the edit queue safely - # and animations don't know about the Project! # # So the monkey-patch above. Ugly. When we rewrite the # animation cycle, it will be freed from the topmost animation, and # this problem will go away. self.controls = [create(c, 'control') for c in controls] for d in self.drivers: d.set_project(self) self.animation.set_project(self) def __del__(self): try: self.cleanup() except: traceback.print_exc()
[docs] def start(self): with self.LOCK: if self.running: return self.running = True self.PROJECTS_RUNNING.add(self) self.needs_cleanup = True weak = weakref.ref(self) def cleanup_fn(): w = weak() w and w.cleanup() atexit.register(cleanup_fn) self._cleanup_fn = cleanup_fn self.layout.start() for c in self.controls: c.set_project(self) c.start() self.animation.start()
[docs] def stop(self): with self.LOCK: if not self.running: return self.running = False self.PROJECTS_RUNNING.remove(self) log.debug('Project %s stop called on pid %d', self, os.getpid()) self.animation.stop() for c in self.controls: c.stop() self.layout.stop() return True
[docs] def cleanup(self): if not self.needs_cleanup: return self.needs_cleanup = False atexit.unregister(self._cleanup_fn) self.animation.cleanup() for c in self.controls: c.cleanup() self.layout.cleanup_drivers()
[docs] def join(self, timeout=None): self.animation.join(timeout) self.stop() for c in self.controls: c.stop_event.wait() self.layout.join(timeout)
[docs] def run(self): try: self.start() self.join() finally: self.cleanup() log.debug('Project %s finishes run()', self)
[docs] def flat_out(self=0): self.clock.flat_out = True
[docs] @staticmethod def stop_all(): for p in list(Project.PROJECTS_RUNNING): p.stop() Project.PROJECTS_RUNNING.clear()
PROJECTS_RUNNING = weakref.WeakSet()
[docs]def project(*descs, root_file=None): """ Make a new project, using recursion and alias resolution. Use this function in preference to calling Project() directly. """ load.ROOT_FILE = root_file desc = merge.merge(merge.DEFAULT_PROJECT, *descs) path = desc.get('path', '') if root_file: project_path = os.path.dirname(root_file) if path: path += ':' + project_path else: path = project_path with load.extender(path): desc = recurse.recurse(desc) project = construct.construct(**desc) project.desc = desc return project