Source code for bibliopixel.project.merge

import collections
from . import construct, load

# Elements in the DEFAULT_PROJECT are listed in order of dependency: sections
# can only be dependent on sections that are above them in this list.
# For example, animation is at the bottom which are  dependent on run and
# layout, which depend on drivers, and everything depends on path and typename.
DEFAULT_PROJECT = collections.OrderedDict((
    ('aliases', {}),
    ('colors', {}),
    ('palettes', {}),
    ('path', ''),
    ('typename', 'bibliopixel.project.project.Project'),
    ('numbers', ''),
    ('maker', 'bibliopixel.project.data_maker.Maker'),
    ('driver', {}),
    ('drivers', []),
    ('shape', ()),
    ('layout', {}),
    ('run', {}),
    ('animation', {}),
    ('controls', []),

NOT_MERGEABLE = 'controls', 'shape', 'drivers', 'numbers', 'path', 'typename'

# datatype is added when we resolve the typename
# dimensions is a legacy section
SPECIAL_CASE = 'datatype', 'dimensions',

SECTION_ISNT_DICT_ERROR = 'Project section "%s" is %s, should be dictionary'
UNKNOWN_SECTION_ERROR = 'There is no Project section named "%s"'

[docs]def merge(*projects): """ Merge zero or more dictionaries representing projects with the default project dictionary and return the result """ result = {} for project in projects: for name, section in (project or {}).items(): if name not in PROJECT_SECTIONS: raise ValueError(UNKNOWN_SECTION_ERROR % name) if section is None: result[name] = type(result[name])() continue if name in NOT_MERGEABLE + SPECIAL_CASE: result[name] = section continue if section and not isinstance(section, (dict, str)): cname = section.__class__.__name__ raise ValueError(SECTION_ISNT_DICT_ERROR % (name, cname)) if name == 'animation': # Useful hack to allow you to load projects as animations. adesc = load.load_if_filename(section) if adesc: section = adesc.get('animation', {}) section['run'] = adesc.get('run', {}) result_section = result.setdefault(name, {}) section = construct.to_type(section) for k, v in section.items(): if v is None: result_section.pop(k, None) else: result_section[k] = v return result