Source code for bibliopixel.project.load

from . import aliases
import loady, os, platform
from .. util import data_file, log

guess_name = loady.importer.guess_name
CACHE = os.path.expanduser('~/.bibliopixel/code_cache')

[docs]def data(name, use_json=True): if not name: return {} try: return data_file.loads(name) except: return, use_json)
[docs]def code(name, python_path=None): return name and loady.code.load_code(name, python_path, recurse=True)
[docs]def module(name, python_path=None): return name and loady.code.load_module(name, python_path)
[docs]def extender(path): parts = [os.getcwd()] + _split_path(path) missing = [p for p in parts if not os.path.exists(p)] if missing: msg = ('This "path" entry does not exist' if len(missing) == 1 else 'These "path" entries do not exist') m2 = ['"%s"' % p for p in missing] log.warning('%s: %s', msg, ', '.join(m2)) parts = [p for p in parts if os.path.exists(p)] return parts and loady.sys_path.extender(':'.join(parts))
[docs]def load_if_filename(s): if isinstance(s, str) and (s.endswith('.yml') or s.endswith('.json')): if ROOT_FILE and not os.path.isabs(s): s = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ROOT_FILE), s) return data_file.load(s)
def _split_path(path): if not path: return [] p = path.split(';') if platform.system() == 'Windows': return p # Also split on : for backwards compatibility return [j for i in p for j in i.split(':')]