from . import load
from . import fields
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
MINIMUM_VERSIONS = {'serial': '2.7'}
'BiblioPixelAnimations': 'BiblioPixelAnimations',
'flask': 'flask',
'noise': 'noise',
'serial': 'pyserial',
def _validate_typename(typename):
root_module = typename.split('.')[0]
min_version = MINIMUM_VERSIONS.get(root_module)
if not min_version:
version = __import__(root_module).VERSION
if LooseVersion(version) < LooseVersion(min_version): # pragma: no cover
install_name = INSTALL_NAMES.get(root_module, root_module)
raise ValueError(VERSION_MESSAGE % (
root_module, version, min_version, install_name))
def _import(typename, python_path=None, loader=load.code):
result = loader(typename, python_path=python_path)
return result
except ImportError as e:
root_module = typename.split('.')[0]
install_name = INSTALL_NAMES.get(root_module)
if install_name:
except ImportError:
msg = MISSING_MESSAGE % (root_module, install_name)
e.msg = msg + e.msg
[docs]def import_symbol(typename, python_path=None):
return _import(typename, python_path)
[docs]def import_module(typename, python_path=None):
return _import(typename, python_path, loader=load.module)
[docs]def make_object(*args, typename=None, python_path=None, datatype=None, **kwds):
"""Make an object from a symbol."""
datatype = datatype or import_symbol(typename, python_path)
field_types = getattr(datatype, 'FIELD_TYPES', fields.FIELD_TYPES)
return datatype(*args, **fields.component(kwds, field_types))
You have version %s of module '%s' but you need version %s.
Please upgrade at the command line with:
$ pip install %s --upgrade
You are missing module '%s'.
Please install it at the command line with:
$ pip install %s
You have the module `serial` installed, but you need the package `pyserial`
instead. Sorry, it's not our fault that there are two packages whose names are
so close!
To uninstall that module and install the correct one from the command line:
$ pip uninstall -y serial
$ pip install pyserial