Fill in missing parts of a project and cleans up its sections
so they have exactly the right constructor.
import copy
from . import aliases, construct, merge
from .. import layout
from .. util import deprecated, exception, log
from .. colors import make, palettes, tables
from .. animation.strip import Strip
DEFAULT_DRIVERS = [construct.to_type('simpixel')]
[docs]def fill(desc):
desc = _fill_aliases(desc)
desc = _fill_colors(desc)
desc = _fill_palettes(desc)
desc = _fill_animation(desc)
desc = _fill_drivers(desc)
desc = _fill_shape(desc) # Must come after fill_drivers
desc = _fill_numbers(desc)
desc = _fill_controls(desc)
return desc
[docs]def fill_layout(animation):
# Try to fill in the layout if it's missing.
# This is called from Project.__init__ - TODO: fix that.
datatype = animation['datatype']
args = getattr(datatype, 'LAYOUT_ARGS', Strip.LAYOUT_ARGS)
layout_cl = getattr(datatype, 'LAYOUT_CLASS', Strip.LAYOUT_CLASS)
args = {k: animation[k] for k in args if k in animation}
return dict(args, datatype=layout_cl)
def _fill_aliases(desc):
def unalias(k):
if any(k.startswith(m) for m in aliases.ALIAS_MARKERS):
return k[1:]
return k
al = desc.pop('aliases', {})
aliases.PROJECT_ALIASES = {unalias(k): v for k, v in al.items()}
return desc
def _fill_colors(desc):
tables.set_user_colors(desc.pop('colors', {}))
return desc
def _fill_palettes(desc):
p = desc.pop('palettes', None)
if p:
default = p.pop('default', None)
with exception.add('Error in "palettes" Section'):
pp = {k: make.colors(v) for k, v in p.items()}
palettes.PROJECT_PALETTES = pp
if default:
log.error('Unable to set default palette to be %s', default)
return desc
def _fill_animation(desc):
da = desc['animation'] or {'typename': 'animation'}
da = construct.to_type_constructor(da, 'bibliopixel.animation')
datatype = da.get('datatype')
if not datatype:
e = da.get('_exception')
raise e or ValueError('Missing "datatype" in "animation" Section')
da.setdefault('name', datatype.__name__)
from .. animation import sequence
if not issubclass(datatype, sequence.Sequence):
# Magic here to allow this to work for non-sequences.
length = da.pop('length', [])
if length:
desc.setdefault('run', {})['seconds'] = length[0]
desc = merge.merge(getattr(datatype, 'PROJECT', {}), desc)
da['run'] = dict(desc.pop('run', {}), **da.get('run', {}))
desc['animation'] = da
return desc
def _fill_drivers(desc):
driver = construct.to_type(desc.pop('driver', {}))
drivers = [construct.to_type(d) for d in desc['drivers']]
if driver:
drivers = [dict(driver, **d) for d in drivers or [{}]]
desc['drivers'] = drivers or DEFAULT_DRIVERS
return desc
def _fill_shape(desc):
# TODO: this copy can't be deleted AND this can't be moved even one step
# earlier without causing a test failure!
desc = copy.deepcopy(desc)
dimensions = desc.pop('dimensions', None)
if dimensions:
deprecated.deprecated('Project Section "dimensions"')
shape = desc.pop('shape', None) or dimensions
if not shape:
return desc
if len(desc['drivers']) != 1:
raise ValueError('Cannot use dimensions with more than one driver')
if isinstance(shape, int):
shape = [shape]
elif isinstance(shape, str):
shape = shape.strip()
if shape.startswith('(') and shape.endswith(')'):
shape = shape[1:-1]
shape = [int(s) for s in shape.split(',')]
raise ValueError('Cannot parse shape %s' % shape)
elif not isinstance(shape, (list, tuple)):
raise ValueError('`shape` must be a number or a list, was "%s" (%s)' %
(shape, type(shape)))
ldesc = construct.to_type_constructor(desc.get('layout') or {},
driver = desc['drivers'][0]
if len(shape) == 1:
driver['num'] = shape[0]
ldesc.setdefault('datatype', layout.strip.Strip)
elif len(shape) == 2:
driver['num'] = shape[0] * shape[1]
ldesc.setdefault('datatype', layout.matrix.Matrix)
ldesc.update(width=shape[0], height=shape[1])
elif len(shape) == 3:
driver['num'] = shape[0] * shape[1] * shape[2]
ldesc.setdefault('datatype', layout.cube.Cube)
ldesc.update(x=shape[0], y=shape[1], z=shape[2])
raise ValueError('Dimension %s > 3' % len(shape))
desc['layout'] = ldesc
return desc
def _fill_numbers(desc):
numbers = desc.pop('numbers', None) or 'python'
if numbers != 'python':
desc.setdefault('maker', {})['numpy_dtype'] = numbers
return desc
def _fill_controls(desc):
controls = desc.get('controls', None)
if isinstance(controls, (str, dict)):
desc['controls'] = [controls]
return desc