Source code for bibliopixel.project.fields

from . types import (
    channel_order, color, colors, direction, duration, gamma, int_name, ledtype,

    'bgcolor': color,
    'c_order': channel_order,
    'channel_order': channel_order,
    'color': color,
    'color1': color,
    'color2': color,
    'colors': colors,
    'count': int_name,
    'direction': direction,
    'duration': duration,
    'func': int_name,
    'gamma': gamma,
    'i': int_name,
    'ledtype': ledtype,
    'num': int_name,
    'offColor': color,
    'onColor': color,
    'palette': colors,
    'spi_interface': spi_interface,
    'time': duration,

[docs]def type_converter(types): def converter(value): for key, maker in types.items(): if key not in value: continue try: value[key] = maker.make(value[key]) except Exception as e: e.args = ('For key=%s value=%s' % ( key, value[key]),) + e.args raise return value return converter
default_converter = type_converter(FIELD_TYPES)
[docs]def field_value(field, value, field_types): if not (field_types and field in field_types): return value try: return field_types[field].make(value) except Exception as e: e.args += ('for field %s and value %s' % (field, value), ) raise
[docs]def component(comp, field_types): return {k: field_value(k, v, field_types) for k, v in comp.items()}