Source code for bibliopixel.project.construct

import copy
from . import aliases, importer, load

[docs]def construct(*args, datatype, typename=None, **kwds): """ Construct an object from a type constructor. A type constructor is a dictionary which has a field "datatype" which has a callable method to construct a class, and a field "typename" which is the Python path of the function or class in "datatype". """ return datatype(*args, **kwds)
[docs]def to_type(d): fn = load.load_if_filename(d) if fn: return fn if isinstance(d, str): return {'typename': d} result = copy.deepcopy(d) # 'datatype' always overrides 'typename' if 'datatype' in result: result.pop('typename', None) return result
[docs]def to_type_constructor(value, python_path=None): """" Tries to convert a value to a type constructor. If value is a string, then it used as the "typename" field. If the "typename" field exists, the symbol for that name is imported and added to the type constructor as a field "datatype". Throws: ImportError -- if "typename" is set but cannot be imported ValueError -- if "typename" is malformed """ if not value: return value if callable(value): return {'datatype': value} value = to_type(value) typename = value.get('typename') if typename: r = aliases.resolve(typename) try: value['datatype'] = importer.import_symbol( r, python_path=python_path) del value['typename'] except Exception as e: value['_exception'] = e return value
[docs]def construct_type(desc, python_path=None): tc = to_type_constructor(desc, python_path) return construct(**tc)