Source code for bibliopixel.layout.strip

from .. colors import conversions
from . layout import MultiLayout
from . geometry import make_strip_coord_map_multi
from . geometry.strip import make_strip_coord_map_positions

[docs]class Strip(MultiLayout): CLONE_ATTRS = MultiLayout.CLONE_ATTRS + ('brightness', 'pixelWidth') def __init__(self, drivers, threadedUpdate=False, brightness=255, pixelWidth=1, **kwargs): self.gen_multi = make_strip_coord_map_multi super().__init__(drivers, threadedUpdate, brightness, **kwargs) self.pixelWidth = pixelWidth if self.pixelWidth < 1 or self.pixelWidth > self.numLEDs: raise ValueError( "pixelWidth must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to " "the total LED count!") if self.numLEDs % self.pixelWidth != 0: raise ValueError( "Total LED count must be evenly divisible by pixelWidth!") if self.pixelWidth == 1: self.set = self._set else: self.set = self._setScaled self.num_pixels = int(self.numLEDs / self.pixelWidth) if self.coord_map: if len(self.coord_map) != self.numLEDs: raise ValueError( 'coord_map length must equal total number of pixels!') self.set_base = self._set_strip_mapped else: self.set_base = self._set_base self.set_pixel_positions(make_strip_coord_map_positions(self.numLEDs)) @property def shape(self): """Returns a 1-tuple with the length of the strip""" return self.numLEDs,
[docs] def get(self, pixel): """Get RGB color tuple of color at index pixel""" return self._get_base(pixel * self.pixelWidth)
[docs] def set(self, pixel, color): """ Set the pixel color at position x in the strip. """ # The actual implementation of this method is computed at construction # time and monkey-patched in from one of self._setTexture, # self.__setNormal or self.__setScaled raise NotImplementedError
def _set_strip_mapped(self, pixel, color): if pixel >= 0 and pixel < self.numLEDs: pixel = self.coord_map[pixel] self._set_base(pixel, color) # Set single pixel to Color value def _set(self, pixel, color): """Set pixel to RGB color tuple""" self.set_base(pixel, color) def _setScaled(self, pixel, color): start = pixel * self.pixelWidth for p in range(start, start + self.pixelWidth): self.set_base(p, color) # Set single pixel to RGB value
[docs] def setRGB(self, pixel, r, g, b): """Set single pixel using individual RGB values instead of tuple""" self.set(pixel, (r, g, b))
[docs] def setHSV(self, pixel, hsv): """Set single pixel to HSV tuple""" color = conversions.hsv2rgb(hsv) self.set(pixel, color)
# turns off the desired pixel
[docs] def setOff(self, pixel): """Set single pixel off""" self.set(pixel, (0, 0, 0))
from .. util import deprecated if deprecated.allowed(): # pragma: no cover LEDStrip = Strip