Source code for bibliopixel.layout.geometry.index_ops

"""These are operations that transform an x, y matrix index."""

[docs]def reflect_x(x, y, matrix): """Reflect the index vertically.""" return matrix.columns - 1 - x, y
[docs]def reflect_y(x, y, matrix): """Reflect the index horizontally.""" return x, matrix.rows - 1 - y
[docs]def serpentine_x(x, y, matrix): """Every other row is indexed in reverse.""" if y % 2: return matrix.columns - 1 - x, y return x, y
[docs]def serpentine_y(x, y, matrix): """Every other column is indexed in reverse.""" if x % 2: return x, matrix.rows - 1 - y return x, y
[docs]def transpose(x, y, _): """Transpose rows and columns.""" return y, x