Source code for bibliopixel.drivers.serial.driver

import os, sys, serial, time, traceback

from . codes import CMDTYPE, LEDTYPE, SPIChipsets, BufferChipsets
from . devices import Devices
from . import io
from .. channel_order import ChannelOrder
from .. driver_base import DriverBase
from ... util import exception, log, util
from ... drivers.return_codes import (
    RETURN_CODES, print_error, raise_error, BiblioSerialError)

[docs]class Serial(DriverBase): """Main driver for Serial based LED strips and devices like the AllPixel Provides the same parameters of :py:class:`bibliopixel.drivers.driver_base.DriverBase` as well as those below: :param ledtype: LED protocol type. One of :py:func:`bibliopixel.drivers.ledtype.LEDTYPE` :param str dev: Serial device address/path. If left empty, first device found will be used. :param int spi_speed: SPI datarate for applicable LED types, in MHz :param int restart_timeout: Seconds to wait between reconfigure reboot and reconnection attempt :param int device_id: Device ID to connect to. :param str hardwareID: A valid USB VID:PID pair such as "1D50:60AB" :param int baudrate: Baud rate to connect to serial device """ def __init__(self, ledtype=None, num=0, dev='', c_order='RGB', spi_speed=2, gamma=None, restart_timeout=3, device_id=None, hardwareID="1D50:60AB", baudrate=921600, **kwds): if ledtype is None: raise ValueError('Must provide ledtype value!') if num == 0: raise ValueError('Must provide num value >0!') super().__init__(num, c_order=c_order, gamma=gamma, **kwds) self.devices = Devices(hardwareID, baudrate) if not (1 <= spi_speed <= 24 and ledtype in SPIChipsets): spi_speed = 1 self._spi_speed = spi_speed self._com = None self._ledtype = ledtype self._bufPad = 0 = dev self.device_version = 0 self.device_id = device_id self._sync_packet = util.generate_header(CMDTYPE.SYNC, 0) if self.device_id is not None and not (0 <= self.device_id <= 255): raise ValueError("device_id must be between 0 and 255") resp = self._connect() if resp == RETURN_CODES.REBOOT: # reboot needed self._close() time.sleep(restart_timeout) resp = self._connect() if resp != RETURN_CODES.SUCCESS: raise_error(resp) else:"Reconfigure success!") elif resp != RETURN_CODES.SUCCESS: raise_error(resp) if type in SPIChipsets:"Using SPI Speed: %sMHz", self._spi_speed)
[docs] def cleanup(self): if self._com:"Closing connection to: %s", self._com = None
def _connect(self): try: if not self.devices.find_serial_devices() idv = self.devices.get_device(self.device_id) self.device_id,, self.device_version = idv try: self._com = serial.Serial(, baudrate=self.devices.baudrate, timeout=5) except serial.SerialException: ports = self.devices.devices.values() error = "Invalid port specified. No COM ports available." if ports: error = ("Invalid port specified. Try using one of: \n" + "\n".join(ports)) raise BiblioSerialError(error) packet = util.generate_header(CMDTYPE.SETUP_DATA, 4) packet.append(self._ledtype) # set strip type byteCount = self.bufByteCount() if self._ledtype in BufferChipsets: if self._ledtype == LEDTYPE.APA102 and self.device_version >= 2: pass else: self._bufPad = BufferChipsets[ self._ledtype](self.numLEDs) * 3 byteCount += self._bufPad packet.append(byteCount & 0xFF) # set 1st byte of byteCount packet.append(byteCount >> 8) # set 2nd byte of byteCount packet.append(self._spi_speed) self._write(packet) code = self._read() if code is None: self.devices.error() return code except serial.SerialException as e: error = ("Unable to connect to the device. Please check that " "it is connected and the correct port is selected.") log.error(traceback.format_exc()) log.error(error) raise e
[docs] def set_device_brightness(self, brightness): packet = util.generate_header(CMDTYPE.BRIGHTNESS, 1) packet.append(self._brightness) self._write(packet) code = self._read() if code == RETURN_CODES.SUCCESS: return True print_error(code)
def _send_packet(self): if not self._com: return self._write(self._packet) code = self._read() if code is None: self.devices.error(fail=False) elif code != RETURN_CODES.SUCCESS: print_error(code) else: self._flushInput() return True def _compute_packet(self): count = self.bufByteCount() + self._bufPad self._packet = util.generate_header(CMDTYPE.PIXEL_DATA, count) self._render() self._packet.extend(self._buf) self._packet.extend([0] * self._bufPad) def _send_sync(self): self._write(self._sync_packet) def _read(self): return io.read_byte(self._com) def _close(self): try: return self._com and self._com.close() except Exception as e: log.error('Serial exception %s in close', e) finally: self._com = None def _write(self, packet): try: return self._com and self._com.write(packet) except Exception as e: log.error('Serial exception %s in write', e) def _flushInput(self): try: return self._com and self._com.flushInput() except Exception as e: log.error('Serial exception %s in flushInput', e)
[docs]class TeensySmartMatrix(Serial): """Variant of :py:class:`Serial` for use with the Teensy and SmartMatrix library. The following provides compatible firmware: All parameters are the same as with :py:class:`Serial`, except the default hardwareID is changed to match the Teensy. The main difference is that SmartMatrix requires a sync command to keep multiple instances of this driver running smoothly. """ def __init__(self, width, height, dev="", device_id=None, hardwareID="16C0:0483", **kwds): super().__init__(ledtype=LEDTYPE.GENERIC, num=width * height, device_id=device_id, hardwareID=hardwareID, **kwds) self.sync = self._send_sync
REBOOT_MESSAGE = """Reconfigure and reboot needed! Waiting for controller to restart...""" from ... util import deprecated if deprecated.allowed(): # pragma: no cover DriverSerial = Serial DriverTeensySmartMatrix = TeensySmartMatrix