Source code for

from enum import IntEnum
from .. ledtype import LEDTYPE

[docs]class CMDTYPE(IntEnum): SETUP_DATA = 1 # config data (LEDTYPE, SPI speed, num LEDs) PIXEL_DATA = 2 # raw pixel data will be sent as [R1,G1,B1,R2,G2,B2,...] # For BRIGHTNESS, data will be single 0-255 brightness value, and # length must be 0x00,0x01 BRIGHTNESS = 3 GETID = 4 SETID = 5 GETVER = 6 SYNC = 7
SPIChipsets = [ LEDTYPE.LPD8806, LEDTYPE.WS2801, LEDTYPE.SM16716, LEDTYPE.APA102, LEDTYPE.P9813 ] # Chipsets here require extra pixels padded at the end # Key must be an LEDTYPE # value a lambda function to calc the value based on numLEDs BufferChipsets = { LEDTYPE.APA102: lambda num: (int(num / 64.0) + 1) }