Source code for bibliopixel.drivers.SPI.driver

from .. channel_order import ChannelOrder
from .. driver_base import DriverBase
from . import interfaces
from enum import IntEnum
from .. ledtype import LEDTYPE
# SubDriver imports
from . APA102 import APA102
from . LPD8806 import LPD8806
from . WS281X import WS281X
from . WS2801 import WS2801

# This may look weird, but was done to keep the IDs the same
# as Serial so that ledtype can always be resolved the same
    1: LPD8806,
    2: WS2801,
    3: WS281X,
    9: APA102

[docs]def SPI(ledtype=None, num=0, **kwargs): """Wrapper function for using SPI device drivers on systems like the Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone. This allows using any of the SPI drivers from a single entry point instead importing the driver for a specific LED type. Provides the same parameters of :py:class:`bibliopixel.drivers.SPI.SPIBase` as well as those below: :param ledtype: One of: LPD8806, WS2801, WS281X, or APA102 """ from ...project.types.ledtype import make if ledtype is None: raise ValueError('Must provide ledtype value!') ledtype = make(ledtype) if num == 0: raise ValueError('Must provide num value >0!') if ledtype not in SPI_DRIVERS.keys(): raise ValueError('{} is not a valid LED type.'.format(ledtype)) return SPI_DRIVERS[ledtype](num, **kwargs)