from .. project import construct
from .. util import deprecated, flatten
from . action import ActionList
from . receiver import Receiver
[docs]class Routing(Receiver):
A dict that routes a message to an ActionList.
def __init__(self, routing, default, python_path):
:param dict routing: `routing` is a dict that maps addresses
to lists of actions.
The values in the input dictionary `routing` are recursively visited
to build the routing table:
* values that are strings or lists are used to construct ActionLists
* dictionaries that contain "typename" or "datatype" keys are
used to construct a class of that type.
* otherwise, dictionaries are visited recursively
* all other types are forbidden
def make(x):
if isinstance(x, (list, str)):
return ActionList(x)
assert isinstance(x, dict)
if 'datatype' in x or 'typename' in x:
x = dict(default, **x)
return construct.construct_type(x, python_path)
return {k: make(v) for k, v in x.items()}
routing = flatten.unflatten(routing)
self.routing = make(routing)
[docs] def set_project(self, project):
"""Set the base project for routing."""
def visit(x):
# Try to set_project, then recurse through any values()
set_project = getattr(x, 'set_project', None)
if set_project:
values = getattr(x, 'values', lambda: ())
for v in values():
[docs] def receive(self, msg):
Returns a (receiver, msg) pair, where receiver is `None` if no route for
the message was found, or otherwise an object with a `receive` method
that can accept that `msg`.
x = self.routing
while not isinstance(x, ActionList):
if not x or not msg:
return None, msg
if not isinstance(x, dict):
raise ValueError('Unexpected type %s' % type(x))
_, value = msg.popitem(last=False)
x = x.get(str(value))
return x, msg
def __bool__(self):
return bool(self.routing)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.routing)