Source code for bibliopixel.control.ops

Simple numerical operations put together in a list, useful for
scaling or offsetting some incoming numerical value.



returns the number unchanged

   Ops('mul', 0.5)(x)

multiples x by 0.5

   Ops('add', 0.1)(x)

adds 1 to x


returns the square root of x

   Ops('mul', 0.5, 'add', 1, 'sqrt')(x)

returns sqrt(1 + 0.5 * x)


import math, operator

[docs]class Op: def __init__(self, op, *values): if len(values) > len(OPS): raise KeyError('Too many arguments for ' + op) ops = OPS[len(values)] if op not in ops: raise KeyError(OPS_ERROR.format(op, ', '.join(sorted(ops)))) self.op = ops[op] self.opname = op self.values = values def __call__(self, x): return self.op(x, *self.values) def __str__(self): values = ', '.join(str(v) for v in self.values) return '%s(%s)' % self.opname, values
[docs]class Ops: def __init__(self, *ops): self.ops = tuple(_make_ops(ops)) def __call__(self, x): for op in self.ops: x = op(x) return x def __bool__(self): return bool(self.ops) def __str__(self): return '->'.join(str(i) for i in self.ops)
def _make_ops(ops): op, values = None, [] for o in ops: if isinstance(o, str): # We're starting a new operation if op: yield Op(op, *values) op, values = o, [] else: # We're in the middle of an operation if not op: raise ValueError('Value without op') values.append(o) if op: yield Op(op, *values) def _two_ops(): def add(ops, op): f = getattr(operator, 'truediv' if op == 'div' else op) ops[op] = f if op not in COMMUTATIVE: ops['r' + op] = lambda x, y: f(y, x) ops = {} for op in TWO_OPERATORS: add(ops, op) ops.update(max=max, min=min, gamma=ops['rpow']) return ops def _join(items, indent=' ', per_line=8): lines = [] for i in range(0, len(items), 8): lines.append(indent + ', '.join(items[i:i + 8]) + '\n') return ''.join(lines) TWO_OPERATORS = 'add', 'div', 'mod', 'mul', 'pow', 'sub' COMMUTATIVE = 'add', 'mul' ONE_OPERATORS = ( 'acos', 'acosh', 'asin', 'asinh', 'atan', 'atanh', 'ceil', 'cos', 'cosh', 'degrees', 'erf', 'erfc', 'exp', 'expm1', 'fabs', 'floor', 'gamma', 'lgamma', 'log', 'log10', 'log1p', 'log2', 'radians', 'sin', 'sinh', 'sqrt', 'tan', 'tanh', 'trunc') OPS = [{k: getattr(math, k) for k in ONE_OPERATORS}, _two_ops()] OPS_ERROR = """\ Do not understand operator {0}. One argument operators are: %s Two argument operators are: %s """ % tuple(_join(sorted(o)) for o in OPS)