Source code for bibliopixel.control.extractor

import collections

[docs]class Extractor: """ Extractor is a class that extracts and normalizes values from incoming message dictionaries into ordered dictionaries based on the `type` key of each message. """ def __init__(self, omit=None, normalizers=None, keys_by_type=None, accept=None, reject=None, auto_omit=True): """ Arguments omit -- A list of keys that will not be extracted. normalizers -- Some keys also need to be "normalized" - scaled and offset so they are between 0 and 1, or -1 and 1. The `normalizers` table maps key names to a function that normalizes the value of that key. keys_by_type -- `keys_by_type` is a dictionary from the `type` in an incoming message to a list of message keys to be extracted accept -- maps keys to a value or a list of values that are accepted for that key. A message has to match *all* entries in `accept` to be accepted. reject -- map key to a value or a list of values that are not accepted for that key. A message is rejected if it matches *any* entry in the reject map. auto_omit -- if True, omit all keys in `accept` that only have one possible value. auto_omit=True, the default, is probably more useful: if you request data for channel=1, type=note_on then you probably don't want to see channel=1, type=note_on with each message. """ def to_set(x): if x is None: return set() if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): return set(x) return set([x]) def make_match(m): return m and {k: to_set(v) for k, v in m.items()} self.accept, self.reject = make_match(accept), make_match(reject) self.omit = to_set(omit) if auto_omit and self.accept: self.omit.update(k for k, v in self.accept.items() if len(v) == 1) self.normalizers = normalizers or {} if keys_by_type is None: self.keys_by_type = None else: self.keys_by_type = {} for k, v in keys_by_type.items(): if isinstance(v, str): v = [v] self.keys_by_type[k] = tuple(i for i in v if i not in self.omit)
[docs] def extract(self, msg): """Yield an ordered dictionary if msg['type'] is in keys_by_type.""" def normal(key): v = msg.get(key) if v is None: return v normalizer = self.normalizers.get(key, lambda x: x) return normalizer(v) def odict(keys): return collections.OrderedDict((k, normal(k)) for k in keys) def match(m): return (msg.get(k) in v for k, v in m.items()) if m else () accept = all(match(self.accept)) reject = any(match(self.reject)) if reject or not accept: keys = () elif self.keys_by_type is None: keys = [k for k in msg.keys() if k not in self.omit] else: keys = self.keys_by_type.get(msg.get('type')) return odict(keys)