Source code for bibliopixel.control.control

import collections, functools, sys, threading
from . extractor import Extractor
from .. project import construct, importer
from .. util.log_errors import LogErrors
from .. util import deprecated, flatten, log
from .. util.threads import runnable
from . routing import ActionList, Routing

[docs]class Control(runnable.Runnable): DEFAULT = {'datatype': ActionList} def __init__(self, routing=None, default=None, errors='raise', python_path='bibliopixel.control', verbose=False, pre_routing=None): """ :param Address pre_routing: This Address is set with with the message after the message is received and converted, but before it is routed. :param errors: either a number, indicating how many errors to report before ignoring them, or one of these strings: 'raise', meaning to raise an exception 'ignore', meaning to ignore all errors 'report', meaning to report all errors """ super().__init__() self.verbose = verbose self.receive = LogErrors(self._receive, errors) default = dict(self.DEFAULT, **(default or {})) self.pre_routing = ActionList(pre_routing) self.routing = Routing(routing or {}, default or {}, python_path)
[docs] def set_project(self, project): self.pre_routing.set_project(project) self.routing.set_project(project)
[docs] def start(self): super().start() if self.verbose:'Starting %s', self) self.thread = self._make_thread() getattr(self.thread, 'start', lambda: None)()
[docs] def stop(self): super().stop() getattr(self.thread, 'stop', lambda: None)()
def _receive(self, msg): """ Receive a message from the input source and perhaps raise an Exception. """ msg = self._convert(msg) if msg is None: return str_msg = self.verbose and self._msg_to_str(msg) if self.verbose and log.is_debug(): log.debug('Message %s', str_msg) if self.pre_routing: self.pre_routing.receive(msg) receiver, msg = self.routing.receive(msg) if receiver: receiver.receive(msg) if self.verbose:'Routed message %s (%s) to %s', str_msg[:128], msg, repr(receiver)) def _convert(self, msg): """ Convert the message to a Control-specific format """ raise NotImplementedError def _make_thread(self): """ Returns a new thread to run the loop for this control source. """ pass def _msg_to_str(self, msg): if msg is None: return '(None)' return '.'.join(str(s) for s in msg.values()) or '.' def __bool__(self): return bool(self.routing or self.pre_routing)
[docs]class ControlLoop: """Mixin class for looping controls""" def _receive_all_messages(self): for msg in self.messages(): self.receive(msg) if not self.running: return
[docs] def messages(self): """Should yield a sequence of messages from the input source.""" raise NotImplementedError
def _make_thread(self): return threading.Thread(target=self._receive_all_messages, daemon=True)
[docs]class ExtractedControl(Control): EXTRACTOR = {} def __init__(self, extractor=None, **kwds): super().__init__(**kwds) extractor = dict(self.EXTRACTOR, **(extractor or {})) self.extractor = Extractor(**extractor) def _convert(self, msg): return self.extractor.extract(msg)
[docs]class ExtractedLoop(ExtractedControl, ControlLoop): def _make_thread(self): return ControlLoop._make_thread(self)