Source code for bibliopixel.commands.devices

Find serial devices and update serial device IDs

from .. util import log

Connect just one Serial device (AllPixel) and press enter..."""

[docs]def run(args): from ..drivers.serial.driver import Serial from ..drivers.serial.devices import Devices import serial run = True log.printer("Press Ctrl+C any time to exit.") try: while run: try: input(CONNECT_MESSAGE) devices = Devices(args.hardware_id, args.baud) ports = devices.find_serial_devices() if not ports: log.printer("No serial devices found. Please connect one.") continue port = sorted(ports.items())[0][1][0] id = devices.get_device_id(port) log.printer("Device ID of {}: {}".format(port, id)) newID = input("Input new ID (enter to skip): ") if newID != '': try: newID = int(newID) if newID < 0 or newID > 255: raise ValueError() devices.set_device_id(port, newID) id = devices.get_device_id(port) log.printer("Device ID set to: %s" % id) except ValueError: log.printer("Please enter a number between 0 and 255.") except serial.SerialException as e: log.printer("Problem connecting to serial device. %s" % e) except Exception as e: log.printer('Programmer error with exception %s' % e) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
[docs]def add_arguments(parser): parser.set_defaults(run=run) parser.add_argument('--hardware-id', default='1D50:60AB', help='USB Vendor ID : Product ID of device. ' 'Defaults to VID:PID for AllPixel') parser.add_argument('--baud', default=921600, type=int, help='Serial baud rate.')