Source code for bibliopixel.colors.tables

Tables of named colors

import itertools, re
from . import juce, classic

[docs]def canonical_name(name): return name.replace(' ', '').lower()
[docs]def to_triplet(color): rg, b = color // 256, color % 256 r, g = rg // 256, rg % 256 return r, g, b
[docs]def set_user_colors(colors): from . import names _TO_NAME_USER.clear() _TO_COLOR_USER.clear() for name, color in colors.items(): color = names.to_color(color) _TO_NAME_USER[color] = name _TO_COLOR_USER[canonical_name(name)] = color
[docs]def get_color(name): name = canonical_name(name) return _TO_COLOR_USER.get(name) or _TO_COLOR.get(name)
[docs]def get_name(color): return _TO_NAME_USER.get(color) or _TO_NAME.get(color)
[docs]def all_named_colors(): """Return an iteration over all name, color pairs in tables""" yield from _TO_COLOR_USER.items() for name, color in _TO_COLOR.items(): if name not in _TO_COLOR_USER: yield name, color
[docs]def contains(x): """Return true if this string or integer tuple appears in tables""" if isinstance(x, str): x = canonical_name(x) return x in _TO_COLOR_USER or x in _TO_COLOR else: x = tuple(x) return x in _TO_NAME_USER or x in _TO_NAME
def _classic_pairs(): find = re.compile(r'[A-Z][a-z0-9]+').finditer for name in dir(classic): if name == 'Green_HTML': yield 'green html', classic.Green_HTML elif len(name) > 1 and name[0].isupper() and name[1].islower(): key = ' '.join( for i in find(name)) yield key, getattr(classic, name) _JUCE_COLORS = {k: to_triplet(v) for k, v in juce.COLORS.items()} _CLASSIC_COLORS = dict(_classic_pairs()) """ A dictionary of every color by name. """ COLOR_DICT = dict(_CLASSIC_COLORS, **_JUCE_COLORS) CANONICAL_DICT = {canonical_name(k): v for k, v in COLOR_DICT.items()} _SECONDARY_NAMES = juce.SECONDARY_NAMES.union({'off', 'on'}) _TO_NAME = {v: k for k, v in COLOR_DICT.items() if k not in _SECONDARY_NAMES} _TO_COLOR = {canonical_name(k): v for k, v in COLOR_DICT.items()} _TO_NAME_USER = {} _TO_COLOR_USER = {}