Source code for bibliopixel.colors.colors

from . import tables

[docs]class Colors: """ Colors is a "magic" color name object. To get a color from a name, use ``COLORS.<colorname>`` - for example :: COLORS.ochre or if the name is a variable or has a space in it, :: COLORS['violet red 4'] To get a name from a color, use :: COLOR((0, 255, 255)) """ def __getitem__(self, name): value = tables.get_color(name) if value: return value raise KeyError(name) def __getattr__(self, name): value = tables.get_color(name) if value: return value raise AttributeError("COLORS has no attribute '%s'" % name) def __setitem__(self, name, value): raise KeyError('Cannot change COLORS') def __setattr__(self, name, value): raise AttributeError('Cannot change COLORS') def __iter__(self): return tables.all_named_colors() def __contains__(self, x): return tables.contains(x)
COLORS = Colors()