Source code for bibliopixel.builder.runner

import traceback, weakref
from .. util import log
from .. util.threads import runnable

[docs]class Runner: """ Class that makes sure that a single builder is running. """ def __init__(self, builder): self.thread = None self.is_running = False self.builder = weakref.ref(builder)
[docs] def start(self, threaded): """Creates and starts the project.""" self.stop() self.__class__._INSTANCE = weakref.ref(self) self.is_running = True if threaded: self.thread = runnable.LoopThread() self.thread.run_once = self._target self.thread.start() else: self._target()
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop the Runner if it's running. Called as a classmethod, stop the running instance if any. """ if self.is_running:'Stopping') self.is_running = False self.__class__._INSTANCE = None try: self.thread and self.thread.stop() except: log.error('Error stopping thread') traceback.print_exc() self.thread = None return True
[docs] @classmethod def instance(cls): """Return the unique instance of Runner, if any, or None""" return cls._INSTANCE and cls._INSTANCE()
_INSTANCE = None def _target(self): try: self.builder()._run() except: if self.thread: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise finally: b = self.builder() b and b.stop()