Source code for bibliopixel.animation.split

Split is an animation.Collection that runs multiple smaller animations as
segments within a larger diplay.


import copy
from . parallel import Parallel
from .. layout.strip import Strip

[docs]class Split(Parallel): def __init__(self, *args, size=100, **kwds): """ Arguments -- size: a number or a list of numbers representing the size of each segment from the original layout. If there aren't enough sizes for each segment, the list of sizes is reused repeatedly. """ super().__init__(*args, detach=False, **kwds) if not size: raise ValueError('Split must have at least one size') self.size = size if isinstance(size, list) else [size] self.is_numpy = hasattr(self.color_list, 'dtype') for animation, begin, end in self._foreach(): animation.layout = Strip([], color_list=self.color_list[begin:end])
[docs] def step(self, amt=1): super().step(amt) # If color_lists are numpy, then changing the sublists will # change the master list, so you don't have to do anything! # # Otherwise, copy the results into the classic Python color_list. if not self.is_numpy: for animation, begin, end in self._foreach(): self.color_list[begin:end] = animation.color_list
def _foreach(self): begin = 0 for i, animation in enumerate(self.animations): end = begin + self.size[i % len(self.size)] if animation: yield animation, begin, end begin = end