Source code for bibliopixel.animation.sequence

from . import wrapper
from .. util import log
import random as rand

[docs]class Sequence(wrapper.Indexed): def __init__(self, layout, random=False, length=None, **kwds): """ Arguments random -- If True, a random animation is selected each step length -- if length is a number, run all the animations in a loop for `length` seconds each. If `length` is a list of numbers, use the numbers successively as times. """ super().__init__(layout, **kwds) self.random = random if isinstance(length, (list, tuple)): self.length = length else: self.length = length and [length]
[docs] def restart(self): self.random and rand.shuffle(self.animations) self.index = 0
[docs] def pre_run(self): self.offset = 0 super().pre_run() self.restart()
[docs] def step(self, amt=1): if (not self.animations) or super().step(amt): return self.index += 1 if self.index >= len(self.animations): if self.runner.until_complete: self.completed = True else: self.offset += len(self.animations) self.restart()
def _on_index(self, old_index): if self.current_animation: super()._on_index(old_index) if self.length: step = self.offset + self.index length = self.length[step % len(self.length)] self.current_animation.runner.seconds = length