Source code for bibliopixel.animation.pov

from . wrapper import Wrapper
from .. layout import matrix

# Takes a matrix animation and displays it as individual columns or rows over
# time on a Strip

[docs]class POV(Wrapper): def __init__(self, *args, is_vertical=True, serpentine=False, **kwds): super().__init__(*args, **kwds) w, h = self.animation.width, self.animation.height color_list = self.layout.maker.color_list(w * h) self.animation.layout = matrix.Matrix( self.layout.drivers, w, h, serpentine=serpentine, color_list=color_list) self.get = self.animation.layout.get # Is the display strip oriented vertically? self.is_vertical = is_vertical # self.actual is the number of actual pixels in the strip # self.subframes is the number of virtual subframes actual, self.subframes = (w, h) if is_vertical else (h, w) if actual != self.layout.numLEDs: dim = ('vertical', 'horizontal')[is_vertical] raise ValueError('%s dimension is %d but should match shape=%d' % (dim, actual, self.layout.numLEDs))
[docs] def step(self, amt=1): substep = self.cur_step % self.subframes if not substep: super().step() for i in range(self.layout.numLEDs): x, y = (substep, i) if self.is_vertical else (i, substep) self.layout.set(i, self.get(x, y))