from . collection import Collection
from .. util import log
[docs]class Indexed(Collection):
An ``Indexed`` is a :py:class:`bibliopixel.animation.Collection`
which keeps track of the current animation through an index into the list of
animations, and gets a callback after that index changes.
An ``Indexed`` has two properties.
``index`` is a mutable property indexing the current animation in the list
of animations.
``current_animation`` returns the animation at position ``index`` or None
if it is out of the bounds of the ``Collection``.
_index = -1
def index(self):
:returns int: index of the current animation within the Collection.
return self._index
def index(self, index):
index = self.animations._index(index)
self._index, old_index = index, self._index
def _on_index(self, old_index):
Override this method to get called right after ``self.index`` is set.
:param int old_index: the previous index, before it was changed.
if self.animation:
log.debug('%s: %s',
self.__class__.__name__, self.current_animation.title)
self.frames = self.animation.generate_frames(False)
[docs] def pre_run(self):
self.index = 0
[docs] def step(self, amt=1):
return True
except StopIteration:
except Exception as e:
if self.fail_on_exception:
log.error('Exception %s in wrapper.step()', e)
[docs] def forward(self, *unused):
self.index += 1
[docs] def backward(self, *unused):
self.index -= 1
def animation(self):
:returns: the selected animation based on self.index, or None if
self.index is out of bounds
if 0 <= self._index < len(self.animations):
return self.animations[self._index]
def current_animation(self):
:returns: self.animation
return self.animation