Source code for bibliopixel.animation.collection

import os
from .. project import aliases, construct, load, project
from . import animation, failed, runner
from .. util import log

DEFAULT_ANIMATION = '.animation'
ANIMATION_PATH = 'bibliopixel.animation'

[docs]class Collection(animation.Animation): """ A ``Collection`` is a list of ``Animation``s """
[docs] @staticmethod def pre_recursion(desc): animations = desc['animations'] animations = [_clean_animation(a, desc) for a in animations] _make_names_unique(animations) desc['animations'] = animations return desc
CHILDREN = 'animations', def __init__( self, layout, animations=None, **kwds): super().__init__(layout, **kwds) self.animations = _AnimationList(animations or []) self.internal_delay = 0 # never wait for a in self.animations: a.top_level = False
[docs] def cleanup(self, clean_layout=True): self.state = runner.STATE.canceled for a in self.animations: a.cleanup() super().cleanup(clean_layout)
[docs] def add_animation(self, anim, **kwds): from .. util import deprecated deprecated.deprecated('Collection.add_animation') anim._set_runner(kwds) self.animations.append(anim)
[docs] def pre_run(self): for a in self.animations: a.pre_run()
[docs] def set_project(self, project): super().set_project(project) for a in self.animations: a.set_project(project)
[docs] def detach(self, overlay): """ Give each animation a unique, mutable layout so they can run independently. """ # See #868 for i, a in enumerate(self.animations): a.layout = a.layout.clone() if overlay and i: a.preclear = False
class _AnimationList: def __init__(self, animations): self._animations = list(animations) self._names = { i for i, a in enumerate(self._animations)} def _index(self, i): if isinstance(i, int): return i % len(self._animations) return self._names[i] def append(self, animation): # We're forced to do the "fill in a name and make sure it's # unique" in two different ways, because of this method. # # TODO: We should disallow APIs from doing surgery on # self.animations after construction. Right now only # Remote does this, or legacy code that calls add_animation. # That code should go on ``cls.pre_recursion()``. self._animations.append(animation) try: base_name = except AttributeError: base_name = animation.__class__.__name__ count = 0 name = base_name while name in self._names: name = '%s_%d' % (base_name, count) count += 1 = name def __getitem__(self, i): return self._animations[self._index(i)] def __getattr__(self, i): return self[i] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._animations) def __len__(self): return len(self._animations) def _clean_animation(desc, parent): """ Cleans up all sorts of special cases that humans want when entering an animation from a yaml file. 1. Loading it from a file 2. Using just a typename instead of a dict 3. A single dict representing an animation, with a run: section. 4. (Legacy) Having a dict with parallel elements run: and animation: 5. (Legacy) A tuple or list: (animation, run ) """ desc = load.load_if_filename(desc) or desc if isinstance(desc, str): animation = {'typename': desc} elif not isinstance(desc, dict): raise TypeError('Unexpected type %s in collection' % type(desc)) elif 'typename' in desc or 'animation' not in desc: animation = desc else: animation = desc.pop('animation', {}) if isinstance(animation, str): animation = {'typename': animation} animation['run'] = desc.pop('run', {}) if desc: raise ValueError('Extra animation fields: ' + ', '.join(desc)) animation.setdefault('typename', DEFAULT_ANIMATION) animation = construct.to_type_constructor(animation, ANIMATION_PATH) datatype = animation.setdefault('datatype', failed.Failed) animation.setdefault('name', datatype.__name__) # Children without fps or sleep_time get it from their parents. # TODO: We shouldn't have to rewrite our descriptions here! The # animation engine should be smart enough to figure out the right # speed to run a subanimation without a run: section. run = animation.setdefault('run', {}) run_parent = parent.setdefault('run', {}) if not ('fps' in run or 'sleep_time' in run): if 'fps' in run_parent: run.update(fps=run_parent['fps']) elif 'sleep_time' in run_parent: run.update(sleep_time=run_parent['sleep_time']) return animation def _make_names_unique(animations): """ Given a list of animations, some of which might have duplicate names, rename the first one to be <duplicate>_0, the second <duplicate>_1, <duplicate>_2, etc.""" counts = {} for a in animations: c = counts.get(a['name'], 0) + 1 counts[a['name']] = c if c > 1: a['name'] += '_' + str(c - 1) dupes = set(k for k, v in counts.items() if v > 1) for a in animations: if a['name'] in dupes: a['name'] += '_0'