Source code for bibliopixel.animation.animation

import contextlib, threading, time
from . import adaptor, animation_threading, runner
from .. util import deprecated, log
from .. colors import palettes, legacy_palette
from .. project import attributes, fields

[docs]class Animation(object): free_run = False pre_recursion = fields.default_converter subframes = 1 top_level = True if deprecated.allowed(): _step = 0 FAIL_ON_EXCEPTION = False COLOR_DEFAULTS = ()
[docs] @classmethod def construct(cls, project, *, run=None, name=None, data=None, **desc): """ Construct an animation, set the runner, and add in the two "reserved fields" `name` and `data`. """ from . failed import Failed exception = desc.pop('_exception', None) if exception: a = Failed(project.layout, desc, exception) else: try: a = cls(project.layout, **desc) a._set_runner(run or {}) except Exception as e: if cls.FAIL_ON_EXCEPTION: raise a = Failed(project.layout, desc, e) = name = data return a
def __init__(self, layout, *, preclear=True, fail_on_exception=None, **kwds): """ Arguments: preclear: If True, clear the layout before rendering the frame; otherwise, the results of the previous frame are preserved fail_on_exception: If False, exceptions thrown in the animation frame are caught and reported; if True, exceptions are are raised, potentially ending the animation cycle and the program; if None or not set, the value of Animation.FAIL_ON_EXCEPTION is used """ self.palette = legacy_palette.pop_legacy_palette( kwds, *self.COLOR_DEFAULTS) self.palette.length = layout.numLEDs attributes.set_reserved(self, 'animation', **kwds) self.layout = layout assert layout self.internal_delay = None self.on_completion = None self.state = runner.STATE.ready self.preclear = preclear self.runner = None self.time = time.time self.preframe_callbacks = [] self.fail_on_exception = self.FAIL_ON_EXCEPTION if fail_on_exception is None else fail_on_exception
[docs] def set_project(self, project): self.time = project.clock.time self.runner.set_project(project) self.threading.set_project(project)
@property def _led(self): """Many BiblioPixelAnimations use the "protected" variable _led.""" return self.layout @_led.setter def _led(self, layout): self.layout = layout @property def color_list(self): return self.layout.color_list @color_list.setter def color_list(self, cl): self.layout.color_list = cl @property def completed(self): """Many BiblioPixelAnimations use the old `completed` variable.""" return self.state == runner.STATE.complete @completed.setter def completed(self, state): self.state = runner.STATE.complete if state else runner.STATE.running
[docs] def pre_run(self): pass
@property def title(self): return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def step(self, amt=1): pass
[docs] def cleanup(self, clean_layout=True): self.threading.cleanup() # Some cases we may not want to clear the screen # Like with the remote, it would flash between anims if clean_layout: self.layout.cleanup()
[docs] def add_preframe_callback(self, callback): """ The preframe_callbacks are called right before the start of a frame rendering pass. To avoid race conditions when editing values, the ``Project`` adds a callback here for the top-level animation, to drain the edit_queue at a moment where no rendering is happening. """ self.preframe_callbacks.append(callback)
[docs] def start(self): self.threading.start()
[docs] def stop(self): self.threading.stop_event.set()
[docs] def join(self, timeout=None): self.threading.join(timeout)
[docs] def run_all_frames(self): for i in self.generate_frames(): pass
[docs] def generate_frames(self, clean_layout=True): self._pre_run() try: if self.runner.repeats != 0: while self.state == runner.STATE.running: self._run_one_frame() yield finally: self.cleanup(clean_layout) self.on_completion and self.on_completion(self.state) self.state = runner.STATE.ready
def _run_one_frame(self): if self.top_level: timestamps = [self.time()] for cb in self.preframe_callbacks: cb() self.step(self.runner.amt) if self.top_level: timestamps.append(self.time()) self.layout.frame_render_time = timestamps[1] - timestamps[0] self.layout.push_to_driver() timestamps.append(self.time()) _report_framerate(timestamps) self.cur_step += 1 if self.state == runner.STATE.complete and self.runner.max_cycles > 0: if self.cycle_count < self.runner.max_cycles - 1: self.cycle_count += 1 self.state = runner.STATE.running if self.top_level: self.threading.wait(self.sleep_time / self.subframes, timestamps) if self.threading.stop_event.isSet(): self.state = runner.STATE.canceled else: self.state = self.runner.compute_state(self.cur_step, self.state) def _pre_run(self): self.state = runner.STATE.running self.runner.run_start_time = self.time() self.threading.stop_event.clear() self.cur_step = 0 self.cycle_count = 0 if self.free_run: self.sleep_time = 0 elif self.internal_delay: self.sleep_time = self.internal_delay else: self.sleep_time = self.runner.sleep_time adaptor.adapt_animation_layout(self) self.preclear and self.layout.all_off() self.pre_run() def _set_runner(self, run): self.runner = runner.Runner(**(run or {})) self.threading = animation_threading.AnimationThreading( self.runner, self.run_all_frames)
[docs] def run(self, **kwds): deprecated.deprecated('') self._set_runner(kwds) self.layout.start() self.start()
if deprecated.allowed(): # pragma: no cover BaseAnimation = Animation def _report_framerate(timestamps): total_time = timestamps[-1] - timestamps[0] fps = int(1.0 / max(total_time, 0.001)) log.frame("%dms/%dfps / Frame: %dms / Update: %dms", 1000 * total_time, fps, 1000 * (timestamps[1] - timestamps[0]), 1000 * (timestamps[2] - timestamps[1]))