Source code for BiblioPixelAnimations.strip.HalvesRainbow

from bibliopixel.animation.strip import Strip
import math

# This one is best run in the region of 50 frames a second

[docs]class HalvesRainbow(Strip): def __init__(self, layout, max_led=-1, centre_out=True, rainbow_inc=4, **kwds): super().__init__(layout, 0, -1, **kwds) self._minLed = 0 self._maxLed = max_led if self._maxLed < 0 or self._maxLed < self._minLed: self._maxLed = self.layout.numLEDs - 1 self._positive = True self._step = 0 self._centerOut = centre_out self._rainbowInc = rainbow_inc
[docs] def pre_run(self): self._current = 0 self._step = 0
[docs] def step(self, amt=1): center = float(self._maxLed) / 2 center_floor = math.floor(center) center_ceil = math.ceil(center) if self._centerOut: self.layout.fill( self.palette(self._step), int(center_floor - self._current), int(center_floor - self._current)) self.layout.fill( self.palette(self._step), int(center_ceil + self._current), int(center_ceil + self._current)) else: self.layout.fill( self.palette(self._step), int(self._current), int(self._current)) self.layout.fill( self.palette(self._step), int(self._maxLed - self._current), int(self._maxLed - self._current)) self._step += amt + self._rainbowInc if self._current == center_floor: self._current = self._minLed else: self._current += amt