Source code for BiblioPixelAnimations.simple.Random

import random
from bibliopixel.animation.animation import Animation

[docs]class Random(Animation): """ Randomly set the color """ def __init__(self, *args, distribution=None, every=0, count=0, levels=None, **kwds): super().__init__(*args, **kwds) self.distribution = Distribution(**(distribution or {})) self.count = count self.every = every self.levels = levels or [1, 1, 1]
[docs] def step(self, amt=1): if not (self.every and self.cur_step % self.every): indexes = range(len(self.color_list)) if self.count: indexes = random.sample(indexes, self.count) d = self.distribution r, g, b = self.levels for i in indexes: self.color_list[i] = (r * d(), g * d(), b * d())
[docs]class Distribution: MEMBERS = 'name', 'scale', 'vars' def __init__(self, name='triangular', **kwds): = name for k, v in kwds.items(): setattr(self, k, v) def __call__(self): return self.scale * self._function(**self._kwds) def __getattribute__(self, key): if key.startswith('_') or key in Distribution.MEMBERS: return super().__getattribute__(key) elif key in self._kwds: return self._kwds[key] else: self._bad_key(key) def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key.startswith('_') or key in Distribution.MEMBERS: super().__setattr__(key, value) elif key in self._kwds: self._kwds[key] = value else: self._bad_key(key) def _bad_key(self, key): params = ', '.join(sorted(self._kwds)) raise AttributeError(UNKNOWN_FIELD_ERROR % (params, key)) def __dir__(self): return ['name', 'scale'] + list(self._kwds)
[docs] def vars(self): return {k: getattr(self, k) for k in dir(self)}
@property def name(self): return self._function.__name__ @name.setter def name(self, name): dist = _Distribution.get(name) self.scale = dist.scale self._kwds = dict(dist.kwds) self._function = dist.function
class _Distribution: DISTRIBUTIONS = {} def __init__(self, name, scale, **kwds): self.function = getattr(random, name) self.scale = scale self.kwds = kwds self.DISTRIBUTIONS[name] = self @classmethod def get(cls, name): dist = cls.DISTRIBUTIONS.get(name) if dist: return dist else: raise ValueError(NOT_DISTRIBUTION_FUNCTION_ERROR % name) _Distribution('betavariate', 256, alpha=1, beta=1) _Distribution('expovariate', 256, lambd=0.5) _Distribution('gauss', 1, mu=128, sigma=32) _Distribution('lognormvariate', 3, mu=1, sigma=1) _Distribution('normalvariate', 1, mu=128, sigma=32) _Distribution('paretovariate', 1, alpha=1) _Distribution('triangular', 1, low=0, high=256, mode=None) _Distribution('uniform', 1, a=0, b=256) _Distribution('vonmisesvariate', 42, mu=1, kappa=1) _Distribution('weibullvariate', 32, alpha=1, beta=1) NOT_DISTRIBUTION_FUNCTION_ERROR = """\ Function random.%s is not a distribution Distribution functions are: """ + ', '.join(_Distribution.DISTRIBUTIONS) UNKNOWN_FIELD_ERROR = 'Expected one of function, %s, but got attribute "%s"'