Source code for BiblioPixelAnimations.matrix.opencv_video

# OpenCVVideo
# Author - Adam Haile - Maniacal Labs
# License: MIT

# Requires numpy 1.9.x or greated and opencv-python 3.0.0 or greater
# On Windows, see here for install instructions:
# For the Raspberry Pi, see here:

# OpenCVVideo displays video from either a webcam or video file
# to an LEDMatrix instance. Parameters are as follows:
# videoSource: Leave as default to use the default system webcam, otherwise set to a video file* path.
# mirror: Mirror image over the vertical axis. Mainly for use with webcams.
# offset: -1.0 to 1.0, when image is cropped or padded to fix on the display, setting this will shift the image.
#     -1.0 means shift to far left or top, 1.0 means far right or bottom.
# crop: Fill the display be cropping the image to best fit.
# userVidFPS: If true, the fps param can be left off and it will use the FPS value of the provided video.
# Does nothing with webcams. This is always overriden by the run() fps or
# sleep parameters.

# *Video file codec support is system dependent, but in general very poor.
# it is best to conver any videos first, including decreasing their size.
# Pre-converting to a smaller resolution will decrease required CPU usage.
# The following ffmpeg command line with convert most videos to the required format:
# ffmpeg -i <inputfile> -c:v rawvideo -vf scale=<width>:<height> -r "<framerate>" -an <output>.avi
# You must set <inputfile>, <output>, <width>, <height>, <framerate>

# Load driver for your hardware, visualizer just for example
from bibliopixel.animation.matrix import Matrix
from bibliopixel.util import log
    import cv2
except ImportError:
    log.error('Could not import cv2 library')

[docs]class OpenCVVideo(Matrix): def __init__(self, layout, videoSource=None, mirror=True, offset=0.0, crop=True, useVidFPS=False, **kwds): super().__init__(layout, **kwds) self.crop = crop self.mirror = mirror self.videoSource = videoSource if self.videoSource is None: self.videoSource = 0 self._vid = cv2.VideoCapture(self.videoSource) # cv2 param defs here: # self._frameCount = 0 self._vidfps = 0 ret, i = if not isinstance(self.videoSource, int): try: self._vid.set(1, 0) # CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES self._vidfps = int(self._vid.get(5)) # CV_CAP_PROP_FPS if useVidFPS: self.internal_delay = (1000 / (self._vidfps * 1000)) # CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT self._frameTotal = int(self._vid.get(7)) except Exception: pass if i is None: raise IOError("Error loading video source") self._iw = i.shape[1] self._ih = i.shape[0] # self._scale = (self.height*1.0/self._ih) self._cropY = 0 self._cropX = 0 xoffset = yoffset = offset if xoffset > 1.0: xoffset = 1.0 elif xoffset < -1.0: xoffset = -1.0 if yoffset > 1.0: yoffset = 1.0 elif yoffset < -1.0: yoffset = -1.0 xoffset += 1.0 yoffset += 1.0 if self.height >= self.width: self._cropX = (self._iw - int(self.width / (self.height / float(self._ih)))) / 2 if self._ih >= self._iw: scale = (self.height * 1.0) / self._ih else: scale = (self.width * 1.0) / self._iw else: self._cropY = (self._ih - int(self.height / (self.width / float(self._iw)))) / 2 if self._ih >= self._iw: scale = (self.width * 1.0) / self._iw else: scale = (self.height * 1.0) / self._ih scaleW = int(self.width / scale) scaleH = int(self.height / scale) padTB = (scaleH - self._ih) / 2 padLR = (scaleW - self._iw) / 2 padYoff = int(round(padTB * yoffset)) - padTB padXoff = int(round(padLR * xoffset)) - padLR self._pad = (padTB + padYoff, padTB - padYoff, padLR + padXoff, padLR - padXoff) self.xoff = int(round(self._cropX * xoffset)) - self._cropX self.yoff = int(round(self._cropY * yoffset)) - self._cropY def _exit(self, type, value, traceback): # self._vid.release() pass
[docs] def step(self, amt=1): ret, frame = image = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGRA) if self.crop: image = image[self._cropY + self.yoff:self._ih - self._cropY + self.yoff, self._cropX + self.xoff:self._iw - self._cropX + self.xoff] else: t, b, l, r = self._pad image = cv2.copyMakeBorder( image, t, b, l, r, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=[0, 0, 0]) resized = cv2.resize(image, (self.width, self.height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) if self.mirror: resized = cv2.flip(resized, 1) for y in range(self.height): for x in range(self.width): self.layout.set(x, y, tuple(resized[y, x][0:3])) if not isinstance(self.videoSource, int): self._frameCount += 1 if self._frameCount >= self._frameTotal: self._vid.set(1, 0) # CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES self._frameCount = 0 self.animComplete = True