Source code for BiblioPixelAnimations.matrix.circlepop

Credit to kasperfish, posted on the forums:

import random
from bibliopixel.animation.matrix import Matrix
from bibliopixel.colors import COLORS

[docs]class Circle: def __init__(self, posy, posx, color, frameratio, radius): self._y = posy self._x = posx self._color = color # animation speed of a single circle relative to the fps of the actual # animation. self.frameratio = frameratio self._radius = radius
[docs] def grow(self, amt=1): self._radius += amt
[docs] def changeColor(self, amt=8): self._color += amt if self._color >= 360: self._color %= 360
[docs]class CirclePop(Matrix): LEGACY_COLORS = ('bgcolor', COLORS.Off), def __init__(self, layout, **kwds): super().__init__(layout, **kwds) self.max_circ = 3 # max number of cirles in the list # probability for adding a new Circle to the list. higher values make # it less probable. self.prob_circ = 8
[docs] def pre_run(self): self._step = 0 self.cont = [] self.addCircle() # add a first circle to our list
[docs] def step(self, amt=1): self.layout.fillScreen(self.palette(0)) # background color # check if we may add a new circle to the list if not random.randrange(self.prob_circ) and len(self.cont) <= self.max_circ: self.addCircle() # loop through our circles, draw and update them for circ in self.cont: self.layout.drawCircle(circ._x, circ._y, circ._radius, self.palette(circ._color)) if not self._step % circ.frameratio: circ.grow() circ.changeColor() self._step += amt # don't let our step counter grow endlessly if self._step >= 100: self._step %= 100 # remove circles that have grown bigger than our matrix self.cont = [c for c in self.cont if c._radius != max(self.height, self.width) + 1]
[docs] def addCircle(self): # let's add some randomness. You can play with these values. posx = random.randint(3, self.width - 3) posy = random.randint(3, self.height - 3) color = random.randint(1, 359) # choose between 2 speeds fps/1 and fps/2. frameratio = random.choice([1, 2]) radius = 1 self.cont.append(Circle(posy, posx, color, frameratio, radius))