Source code for BiblioPixelAnimations.matrix.MathFunc

from bibliopixel.animation.matrix import Matrix
import math, random

[docs]def hue_fade(a, b, val): if a > b: b = b + 360 return (a + ((b - a) * val)) % 360
[docs]class MathFunc(Matrix): funcs = [ lambda x, y, s: x + (x * y) + s, lambda x, y, s: x * s + (x * y), lambda x, y, s: x * y * s + s, lambda x, y, s: x * y - math.log(s + 1) + s, lambda x, y, s: math.cos(0.5 * x) * y + s, lambda x, y, s: math.cos(x * y) * y + s, lambda x, y, s: math.tan(y) * math.cos(x) + s, lambda x, y, s: math.sin(y) + x * s, lambda x, y, s: math.sin(x) + y * s, lambda x, y, s: math.sin(x * y) + y * x + s, lambda x, y, s: x * x - y * y + s, lambda x, y, s: (x * y - y * y) + s, lambda x, y, s: (x * y - y * y) % (s + 1), lambda x, y, s: (y * y + x * x) + s, lambda x, y, s: x * y * 2 - y * y * 2 + s, lambda x, y, s: (x / (y + 1)) + (y * y) + s, lambda x, y, s: ((x * x) / 2 * (y + 1)) + s, lambda x, y, s: x * y * (x + y) + s, lambda x, y, s: x * y * (s / (x + 1)), lambda x, y, s: (x * x * x) - (y * y * 2) + s, lambda x, y, s: x * 12 - y * 4 + s, lambda x, y, s: math.log10(x + 1) * (y * 2) + s ] def __init__(self, layout, frames_per=300, func=0, rand=True, fade_frames=30, **kwds): super().__init__(layout, **kwds) self.start_func = func self.frames_per = frames_per self.rand = rand self.fade_frames = fade_frames self.fade_step = 1.0 / fade_frames if fade_frames else 0.0
[docs] def pre_run(self): self._step = 0 self.count = 0 self.fade_count = 0 self.cur_func = random.choice(range(len(self.funcs))) if self.rand else self.start_func self.next_func = None
[docs] def call_func(self, func, x, y, s): return abs(int(self.funcs[func](x, y, s))) % 360
@property def func(self): return self.cur_func / len(self.funcs) @func.setter def func(self, f): self.cur_func = min(int(len(self.funcs) * f), len(self.funcs) - 1)
[docs] def step(self, amt=1): self.layout.all_off() for y in range(self.height): for x in range(self.width): h = self.call_func(self.cur_func, x, y, self._step) if self.next_func: h_next = self.call_func(self.next_func, x, y, self._step) h = hue_fade(h, h_next, self.fade_step * self.fade_count) c = self.palette(h) self.layout.set(x, y, c) if self.next_func: self.fade_count += 1 if self.fade_count >= self.fade_frames: self.cur_func = self.next_func self.next_func = None self.fade_count = 0 self.count = 0 else: self.count += 1 if not self.next_func and self.frames_per and self.count >= self.frames_per: if self.rand: self.next_func = random.choice(range(len(self.funcs))) else: self.next_func = self.cur_func + 1 if self.next_func >= len(self.funcs): self.next_func = 0 self.state = 2 self.count = 0 if not self.fade_frames: self.cur_func = self.next_func self.next_func = None self._step += amt