Source code for BiblioPixelAnimations.matrix.ImageAnim

import fractions, glob, os, pathlib, random, threading, time
from bibliopixel.animation.matrix import Matrix
from bibliopixel.util import log
from bibliopixel.colors import COLORS
from bibliopixel.colors.arithmetic import color_scale

    from PIL import Image, ImageSequence
except ImportError:
    error = "Please install Python Imaging Library: pip install pillow"

ROOT = pathlib.Path(__file__).parents[2]
DEFAULT_ANIM = ROOT / 'Graphics' / 'MarioRotating.gif'

[docs]class LoadNextThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, imganim): super().__init__() self.setDaemon(True) self._stop_event = threading.Event() self._wait_event = threading.Event() self.anim = imganim
[docs] def stop(self): self._stop_event.set()
[docs] def stopped(self): return self._stop_event.isSet()
[docs] def loading(self): return self._wait_event.isSet()
[docs] def loadNext(self): self._wait_event.set()
[docs] def run(self): while not self.stopped(): self._wait_event.wait() self.anim.loadNextGIF() self._wait_event.clear()
[docs]class ImageAnim(Matrix): def __init__( self, layout, imagePath=None, offset=(0, 0), bgcolor=COLORS.Off, brightness=255, cycles=1, seconds=None, random=False, use_file_fps=True, use_gamma=True, scale_to=None, **kwds): """ Animation class for displaying image animations for GIF files or a set of bitmaps layout: layout.Matrix instance imagePath: Path to either a single animated GIF image or folder of GIF files offset: X, Y coordinates of the top-left corner of the image bgcolor: RGB tuple color to replace any transparent pixels with. Avoids transparent showing as black brightness: Brightness value (0-255) to scale the image by. Otherwise uses master brightness at the time of creation use_gamma: If true, use the driver's gamma on the raw image data. TODO: why do we do this? scale_to: Which dimensions to scale the image to? None: Don't scale 'x': Scale to use full width 'y': Scale to use full height 'xy': Scale both width and height 'fit: Use best fit from 'x' or 'y' """ super().__init__(layout, **kwds) self.cycles = cycles self.cycle_count = 0 self.seconds = seconds self.last_start = 0 self.random = random self.use_file_fps = use_file_fps self._bright = brightness self._bgcolor = color_scale(bgcolor, self._bright) self._offset = offset self._image_buffers = [None, None] self._cur_img_buf = 1 # start here because loadNext swaps it self.imagePath = imagePath or str(DEFAULT_ANIM) self.folder_mode = os.path.isdir(self.imagePath) self.gif_files = [] self.gif_indices = [] self.folder_index = -1 self.load_thread = None self.use_gamma = use_gamma self.scale_to = scale_to and SCALE_TO[scale_to] if self.folder_mode: self.gif_files = glob.glob(self.imagePath + "/*.gif") self.gif_indices = list(range(len(self.gif_files))) self.loadNextGIF() # first load is manual self.swapbuf() self.load_thread = None else: self.loadGIFFile(self.imagePath) self.swapbuf()
[docs] def cleanup(self, clean_layout=True): if self.load_thread: self.load_thread.stop() super().cleanup(clean_layout)
[docs] def pre_run(self): if self.folder_mode: if not self.load_thread or not self.load_thread.is_alive(): self.load_thread = LoadNextThread(self) self.load_thread.start() self.load_thread.loadNext() self.last_start = time.time() self._curImage = 0
[docs] def loadGIFFile(self, gif): _, ext = os.path.splitext(gif) next_buf = self.next_img_buf() if not ext.lower().endswith("gif"): raise ValueError('Must be a GIF file!') log.debug("Loading {0} ...".format(gif)) self._image_buffers[next_buf] = self._loadGIFSequence(gif)
def _getBufferFromImage(self, img, ox, oy): frame ='RGBA', img.size) frame.paste(img) if self.scale_to: ix, iy = frame.size rx, ry = self.scale_to(fractions.Fraction(self.width, ix), fractions.Fraction(self.height, iy)) new_size = round(rx * ix), round(ry * iy) resamp = Image.LANCZOS if rx * ry < 1 else Image.BICUBIC frame = frame.resize(new_size, resamp) duration ='duration') w = min(self.layout.width - ox, frame.size[0]) h = min(self.layout.height - oy, frame.size[1]) buffer = [0] * (self.layout.numLEDs * 3) if self.use_gamma: gamma = self.layout.drivers[0].gamma def apply_gamma(i, color): buffer[i:i + 3] = (gamma.get(c) for c in color) else: def apply_gamma(i, color): buffer[i:i + 3] = color if self._bgcolor != (0, 0, 0): for i in range(0, 3 * self.layout.numLEDs, ): apply_gamma(i, self._bgcolor) for x in range(max(ox, 0), w + ox): for y in range(max(oy, 0), h + oy): pixel = self.layout.coord_map[y][x] *color, a = frame.getpixel((x - ox, y - oy)) if a: color = tuple((c * a) >> 8 for c in color) else: color = self._bgcolor apply_gamma(3 * pixel, color) return (duration, buffer) def _loadGIFSequence(self, imagePath): img = if any(self._offset): ox, oy = self._offset elif self.scale_to: ox, oy = 0, 0 else: ox = max(0, (self.layout.width - img.size[0]) // 2) oy = max(0, (self.layout.height - img.size[1]) // 2) return [self._getBufferFromImage(frame, ox, oy) for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(img)]
[docs] def loadNextGIF(self): if self.random: if len(self.gif_indices) < 2: self.folder_index = self.gif_indices[0] self.gif_indices = list(range(len(self.gif_files))) else: index = random.randrange(len(self.gif_indices)) self.folder_index = self.gif_indices.pop(index) else: self.folder_index += 1 if self.folder_index >= len(self.gif_files): self.folder_index = 0 self.loadGIFFile(self.gif_files[self.folder_index])
[docs] def next_img_buf(self): i = self._cur_img_buf i += 1 if i > 1: i = 0 return i
[docs] def swapbuf(self): self._cur_img_buf = self.next_img_buf()
[docs] def step(self, amt=1): self.layout.all_off() img = self._image_buffers[self._cur_img_buf] self.layout.setBuffer(img[self._curImage][1]) if self.use_file_fps: self.internal_delay = img[self._curImage][0] / 1000.0 self._curImage += 1 if self._curImage >= len(img): self._curImage = 0 if self.folder_mode: loadnext = False if self.seconds: if ((time.time() - self.last_start) > self.seconds): loadnext = True else: if self.cycle_count < self.cycles - 1: self.cycle_count += 1 else: loadnext = True if loadnext and not self.load_thread.loading(): # wait another cycle if still loading self.animComplete = True self.load_thread.loadNext() self.swapbuf() self.cycle_count = 0 self.last_start = time.time() else: self.animComplete = True
SCALE_TO = { 'x': lambda rx, ry: (rx, 1), 'y': lambda rx, ry: (1, ry), 'xy': lambda rx, ry: (rx, ry), 'fit': lambda rx, ry: (min(rx, ry), min(rx, ry)), }